With A Mouth That Bled as if it were a Waterfall

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Shinobu will be more careful when she checks her patients next time.

A/N: Can be interpreted as platonic or romantic, this is mostly just a drabble. who knows if I'll continue it or not. idk.

Warning: Blood.


Giyuu had a mishap on patrol and ended up getting a log of all things thrown at him at high speed which was the most surprising part about that statement to him. It practically ripped all the air out of his lungs, leaving him unsteady and dizzy ever after the demon was gone. he took time to steady himself against a tree as his body tingled as he tried to catch his breath. He already knew what he had to do after he was down with his patrol. 

Tomioka didn't particularly mind having to see Kocho at her mansion, while he can mostly handle himself there are things that even he knows he can't handle, so he goes to her. He sees her more recently, maybe demons are getting tougher or maybe he's finding more excuses to see her he isn't quite sure. After patrol is over, he went to her mansion early morning he didn't expect her to be awake but surprisingly she was, then he remembers they have a meeting today which means this interaction will be quick. 

Feeling someones feel up your body in what is labeled as a 'wound sweep' is an uncomfortable feeling, he's not a particular fan of the feeling of someone feeling up his body unwarranted, especially when he's not in the mood but he ends up sitting there stiffy, feeling uncomfortable but doesn't say anything despite any comment Shinobu makes which can be partially suggestive at sometimes. Yet despite that, she is careful and gentle with her touches despite how construed her comments can be sometimes.

Looking back on it he should have gone into more detail, but he says that he had ended up getting hit in the stomach when he winces when she presses it. She looks at it and says he'll end up with some nasty bruises, she'll give him the ointment for it tomorrow after the meeting and the two actually end up departing together. 

The walk there is nothing special, she talks and occasionally he'll add a comment into the mix, it's comfortable but doesn't last long they arrive at the meeting going through the normal works pertaining to them which is where he thinks everything starts going downhill. 

His head starts to hurt which thinking about it isn't that abnormal, while partly rare he does get them occasionally but combining that with the churning in his stomach it was hell and it made the meeting drag on for what felt like forever. But soon enough, the meeting was done with, normal proceedings were to share a meal with their master, although Giyuu isn't quite sure he'd be able to manage to eat much of his food which turns out to be a real shame since it's his favorite.

The day drags on until they reach dinner the symptoms building up in his body nagging at him and making him nauseous. As everyone else chattered on in between bites he sullenly picked at his food, leaning on his palm as he felt something start to build up in his chest, he- blissfully unaware of what would happen next- ignored it. 

As the urge to cough built up in his chest he continued to ignore it in the hope it'd go away, but not, fate wasn't nice to him and before he knew it he was violently coughing into his sleeve.

As he coughed into his sleeve, a warm liquid drips out of his lips and spilled onto the patterned side of his haori. He pulls back wiping away whatever is dripping from his lips, when he does the stain of blood on it catches his attention. He clenched his hand, nails digging into his palm as he feels the back of his throat and mouth be coated with the wretched liquid. His mind tips, trying to figure out where the injury is with total concentration breathing, somewhere in his stomach, was that why it was hurting- it-

His mind is suddenly hit with a sense of vertigo as he starts to cough, he moves to grip tightly at the table, covering his mouth with his hand, apparently not well enough because blood manages to slip past his finger, and drip onto his uniform as he clenches his eyes closed, tears forming in the corner of his closed eyes. Muffled voices call out as they all join together as one amalgamation.

He pulls back, staring at the blood on his hand as it drips from his lips and onto his uniform.

His universe is spinning as if he's on a carousel that goes faster by the second. Lightheadedness hits him as he feels more blood dripping from his lips.

There's a hand on his shoulder. Warm. Numbness everywhere but there. He leans into it, trying to stabilize himself-

His eyes roll into his head and his head hits the table with a thud, blood staining the smooth wood.


When Giyuu starts coughing no one bats an eye, but when he starts coughing, blood dripping thickly dripping between the cracks of his finger like how water drips from a waterfall he's somehow managed to catch everyone's attention. Kyojuro- who's sitting next to him- rest a hand on his shoulder as the man's body's sways, then before they know it, with a tremor, his eyes roll into his head and his head limply hits the table, blood staining the table as his body stills.

Everything falls into silence as no one is sure to say, what could they say? This doesn't happen often- scratch that, it doesn't happen at all to her knowledge at least. Then when the silence is broken it's almost everyone at once. 

"Shinobu-san what's going on?!" Mitsuri shouted at her as with her hair on ends she watched as Kyojuro moved to grab the Water Hashira's wrist and check for a pulse and nodded at her, she registered in the back of her mind as she tried to figure out what was going on, ignoring the questions she was getting. Thinking back to the beginning of the day, she woke up, he came to see her after his patrol, told her he got hit in the stomach, she did a wound sweep and his stomach was the only place she got a reaction, then she...



Oh no...

"Coughing on blood that could only mean he has internal..." I didn't check his wounds thoroughly enough.

"Shinobu what is going on?" Their master asks, rising, although not fully, from his seat. He's looking around his eyes never landing on Tomioka but she can't blame him, he's blind she doesn't expect him to be able to.

"We need to get Tomioka to my mansion stat, I need to see if he has internal bleeding and if he does it needs to be sorted out immediately."

"Someone needs to call the kakushi," Mitsuri chimes in afterward after her, Shinazagawa just rolls his eyes. "We can't, by the time they get here who knows what will happen," The Snake Hashira just nods in agreement.

"We really need to sort that out eventually,"

"Can any of you think you can carry him? All my equipment is at my mansion, you can come back and finish eating here when you're done."

"I don't think anyone has the appetite to finish eating after that!" Kyojuro states and while grimacing, Uzui slowly nods in agreement as well, saying:

"That was... Thoroughly disgusting..." With Tengen's proper summary of the events at hand, with the tenacious help of both Himejima and Kyojuro despite the fact she only needed one person though it's reassuring to see the concern is mutual-

Or maybe they're just joining her to make sure she does her job right this time. 

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