Headcanons Written Into Stories

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In which Shinobu is a weirdo and Giyuu doesn't say 'I love you' that easily.


It starts with her tracing his thumb while they hold hands, he doesn't mind it, honestly, he enjoys the touch, any touch is good in his book so he happily allows it.

It's not until one day her hand drifts to poke and prod ribs and he jolts because- holy shit why the fuck is she poking his ribs?- he didn't expect that and stares at her with a raised brow, confused as hell. She giggles at him he just lays back down with a huff, ignoring it for now thinking it was just a minor coincidence and nothing else.

Then her other hand drifts to his back and he lets out a small 'pft' as she rubs circles into it devolving into small giggles as she starts to eventually massage at the skin, why he does that he's not exactly sure, his shoulders/shoulder blades must just be sensitive then. He ends up falling asleep a little while later, melting as the knots in his shoulder are kneaded out.

When he wakes up he doesn't expect to find his cheek being kissed but he isn't going to complain. Shinobu's a very affectionate person, something that isn't that surprising, and often finds himself being the target of these little spur-of-the-moment acts but he doesn't mind them, he loves them. He's just happy to be held in general though. Whether it be just shoulder to shoulder contact or when they're sitting down and she decides to put her arm around his waist while they sit down he doesn't mind. It also helped him learn that while sleeping he likes bringing the closes thing near him and cuddle it- Shinobu teased him needlessly about it but she never necessarily considered it a bad thing.

Confusion had been the first thing on his mind when he woke up, blinking away his tiredness as even after noticing he was awake she continued her assault of kisses. His face almost automatically scrunches stay like that until he eventually relaxes getting a grip of his bearing where he's coherent enough to realize what's going on.

He ends up letting it carry on a little longer until the two have to get out of bed.

If only they could stay longer.


Shinobu's favorite pass time has become pestering her boyfriend, call her a sadist which she is in some account she is in more ways than one, it's not her fault his face is so cute when he gets embarrassed. 

Though he only really reacts when he's surprised, so she tends to lean more towards that than the other option. Although sometimes hugging from behind doesn't work or she's just feeling mischievous she settled for the good ol' boob grab.

She ended up getting her hands slightly smashed but his reaction was worth it.


They're both good at cooking that's no surprise to anyone, well maybe a surprise that Giyuu can cook well but they both can hold their own in the kitchen. While she likes to experiment with her dishes he settles for simple meals doing recipes by the book though, that doesn't mean he can't make a meal out of a few ingredients, he's crafty like that. 

She had come home from the hospital late in the evening, dregs of tiredness clinging to her only to be wished away by the smell of homecooked food invading her senses, making warmth bloom in her chest. With a slow, albeit tired smile making its way on her face, she moved towards him, he was busy with texting someone on his phone, not that it mattered though. Hearing her footsteps he looked up at her and gently smiled at her, making heart skip a beat. He place his phone to the side, opening his arms, but instead she opted for cupping his jaw in between her fingers and pulled him downwards so she could plant a kiss on his cheek.

Accompanied by that, as usual, she pressed him further against the kitchen counter he was leaning against, her hands finding their usual place on his hips when she does this, her thumb drawing circles in the small indent of his hip, fitting her face in the crook of his neck. She felt his chest dip in a huffed laugh and one of her hands moved to his chest and she looked up at him.

"Did I mention how much I love it when you cook?" Their lips interlocked in a brief kiss, and Tomioka pulled back, using the arm that wasn't leaned against the counter to cup her cheek. "Is it because my cooking is better than yours?"

She pouted but said nothing only squeezing his hip with one hand, then moving the other to the back of his neck so she could bring him down for a kiss instead. Soon enough she pinched his hip, gaining a small gasp of surprise from him, and with more access, she deepened the kiss and her real response ends up being the blooming red of trail spots down his neck.

She's satisfied.


Giyuu, more often than not, expresses his love through actions and not words, he is also not a fan of poetry, he despises it with his very core, although, he is a fan of cooking. One of the ways is cooking breakfast since Giyuu often gets up before her unless something happened he usually makes breakfast for the two.

Today is no different and while making herself tea- because as much as she loved coffee she needs a break from it- he wraps an arm around her and presses a kiss to her head and she kisses him back underneath his chin. 

Soon enough the two are seated at the table, he ended up making her and Mitsuri's newest interest, western style food, specifically pancakes, however it was blueberry pancakes with maple syrup drizzled ontop of it, it was a flavor made to savor. The pancakes were light and airy, the sourness of the blueberries contrasting with the maple syrup to make a bittersweet taste so that they'd balance out each other, perfectly even.

She sighed, resting her head on the palm of her hand as she stared at him fluttering her lashes. "This is heavenly,"

"Why do you never bring food for the work parties?" She watched as he snorted at the comment, hiding his expression in the palm of his hand, not that it mattered anyway since she felt her face heating at the sound. "I'm sure no one wants to eat pancakes for lunch or dinner,"

With a smile she points her fork at him, nodding, "If it's you making them, then sure," but he just shakes his head. 

"You're overreacting it isn't that good,"

"This is a very reasonable reaction like... I could eat this every day honestly," That gets him to freeze up, a heavy blush dusting his face as he looked at her surprised. "Y... You could?"

"Well yeah! If I didn't mean it why would I say it?"

"I mean... I wouldn't mind making them for you every day if you wanted me to...."

"I mean if you want then sure! Love your cooking," With a smile full of mirth she giggles, pointing her fork at him. "and I love you!" And Giyuu doesn't say it back, and she doesn't expect him to. As stated before, Giyuu is a man of not many words, but even then, that isn't the entire reason why he doesn't say it. Unlike with her who useds the phrase more often than not, with him it hold a more significat value which she guess should be expected growing up trying to survive with just your older sister and yourself, not that she hadn't had the samething happen to her it just differs from person to person she assumes. 

The phrase was important to him, and it's rare for him to say it, she's only ever heard him say it a couple of times, she's seen him smile more than she's heard him say 'I love you' before and he's only said it to her a few maybe three times while they were dating and they've been dating a year or two by now. Maybe it's just here, and mayshe she says 'I love you' too much, Shinobu isn't quite sure. 

Her boyfriend suddenly starts mumbling unde his breath and jolts her out of her thoughts, she looks up from her plate and up at him, raising a brow as she pauses in her ministrations of toying with her food, letting out a small: "Hm?..."

With a face, a red as blood, twirling a strand of hair that previously framed his face on one of his fingers, he peeked up at her with a shy expression. "..I...I love you too..."

And Shinobu isn't sure she's ever blushed so hard in her life before.

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