Regret Message

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"Through the darkest of days, you were always by my side

No matter what I would say, you would abide
Constantly I let my selfishness take control of me
And caused you a life full of grief

But now, all because of the mistakes that I have made
You're no longer here with me
In order to get all this pain off of my chest
I must spill my woes into the sea

Drifting farther away, little wish upon the waves
With eyes full of tears, she regrets those days It is then that she realizes this:
Her sin has taken everything away..."

-Regret Message, Vocaloid


What if Giyuu died and Shinobu survived?

A/N: oof

WARNING: Major character death/non-canon character death.


Shinobu never expected to survive, yet she did.

Shinobu never expected Giyuu to die, yet he did.

A promise, that's what she made him before they fought. Kept in secret behind closed doors, under lock and key he gave her something, a golden band, a ring to be specific.

"This ring... It was my sister's, her engagement ring... She gave it to me on the night she died and I want you to have it..." She could only stare at him, feeling as if her breath had been caught in her throat. "When... When this is over I wish... To marry you... If that is not too heavy of a burden to ask..."

With soft lilac eyes, filled to the brim with tears she cupped his cheeks, wiping away his tears with her thumb.

"I'd love to," She said, her mouth curling into a genuinely happy smile. "I'd love to my dear..."

Now she stared down at the ring on her finger, anger and grief boiling in her chest as she resisted the urge to throw it across the room. She couldn't, she could only hold the ring close to her chest as bitter memories with bitter mistakes flooded her thoughts.

"You're so old Tomioka-san!" She giggled poking his arm, his eye twitched but he didn't say anything. "God your so old, I'm going to outlive you that's how old you are!"

Giyuu just turned to the side avoiding her gaze. "I'm not old..." Shinobu just giggled and poked him once more. "Old man, just like your Sensei! How does it feel to know that I'm going to outlive you?"

He didn't respond to her.

She bit her lip, tears burning in the corner of her eyes at the memory. Oh, she had been so right, so right.

Painfully so.

If only she could take back everything she said, all those painfully harsh jokes, teases she took too far. She couldn't look his Sensei in the eyes at his funeral, not after what she said? Had she damned him to this? Was this her fault?

Clutching the golden band tightly against her chest, she lived her life thinking it was. 


A new school, a new pain.

Kyoko didn't like how much her parents moved, it annoyed her to no end. But here she was sitting at a new desk early in the morning waiting for school to start. It was annoying but she was used to it. Everyone at this school would most likely be as bland as the one before and-

"Good morning everyone!" A loud voice boomed from the door and instantaneously, her attention was drawn to it.

A man with hair comparable to flames walked through it, waving with one hand, while the other gripped at a booksack that was thrown over his other shoulder. Despite the fact it was early in the morning, he was smiling brightly- beaming even- as if it wasn't at all. And Kyoko continued to stare on, that hair, those eyes, that smile, she knew it, she knew it all too well yet at the same time she didn't. Why was it so familiar? Who is that-

"Don't be too surprised by his greetings, he does that every morning, you'll get used to it." The soft yet quiet voice erupted her out of her thoughts as she swirled around in her chair, looking to her side to see a boy who wasn't there before. 

Maybe this school would be different. 

Next to her sat a teen around her age, spiky black hair pulled back into a large bun. He wore the standard boy's uniform, and seemed to be drawing something in his notebook. She wondered if she could get him to draw her one day. 

"Your hair is nice!" She blurted out, catching the other teen by surprise. He stared at her owlishly, blinked then looked away with a slight flush on his cheeks, twirling a strand of hair around his finger.

"I... Thank you..." He leaned onto his palm, still not staring at her. "I was thinking about cutting it soon, actually..."

Leaning onto the palm of her head, she smiled at him, shaking her head. "You shouldn't, it looks nice on you." Somehow, despite not knowing this boy before now, she knew her words would fluster him. 


"What's your name? Mine's Giichi Tomioka!" Kyoko smiled at Giichi and held out her hand.

"Kyoko Kocho, it's my pleasure," Giichi just grinned at her and took her hand, shaking it. 

"I hope we can become the best of friends!"

A/N: If you enjoyed, give me kudos and don't forget to yell at me in the comments!

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