This is Home

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Being a full-time doctor is something Shinobu will never regret, but the job is tiring work at the end of the day, thankfully she has a husband welcoming her back at the end of the day with open arms.

A/N: I watched The Way of The Househusband and you can blame that fantastic show for this headcanon of mine. Giyuu's a househusband when Shinobu becomes a full-time doctor, fight me. Also, modern au too because fight me once more.

Oh yeah, and yell at me in the comments if you enjoyed it.


Becoming a doctor is something Shinobu knows she'll never regret, and she doesn't, though sometimes... Sometimes, she does. She'll never regret seeing the smiles on her patient's faces when they hear the good news she has to present them, 'The surgery went well!' and 'Everything's well,' or anything along the lines remotely positive, being able to save lives and help make sure at least one person isn't suffering is enough for her at the end of the day. But no matter how many things she'll never regret about becoming one she'll always regret not being able to help save someone when she could, telling the family unfortunate news, and having to come home late.

Today is one of those nights where she had to work an overnight shift, barely running on a few hours of sleep and a cup of coffee or two, making minor mistakes that meant nothing but she knows she'd beat herself over in the morning after. But she's too tired to think about that, she's surprised she even made the drive home, she should have called her husband to come to pick her up but stubbornly, she persisted and drove herself.

Tomorrow she won't have to worry about it, tomorrow she'll have a day off.

Tomorrow she plans to spend the entire morning in bed in her partner's embrace with legs interwoven, pressing soft chaste kisses against each other lips between soft mutters of 'I love you,' as they waste away the morning until it becomes the afternoon. She softly smiles to herself as she pulls into the driveway and parks the car. She slings her bag around her shoulder, twisting her keys out of the car, and exits out of it, locking the door behind her.

The doctor glances towards the house, a bright light radiating from both the living room and the kitchen making her smile grow even softer. He waited for me, she lovingly thinks.

Making her towards her house and up the steps, the keys jangling in her hands, she twiddles through her keychain, dropping it a few times before she finally managed to get it in the lock, twisting it a few times until it finally opens, a bright light consuming her figure as she steps inside the house.

She closes the door behind, locking it with the turn of a knob or two, and looks toward, as expected a figure who was in the living room is already making its way out of it, but for now, she settles for ridding herself of her shoes by the door. She hangs up her coat, along with her bag, and turns towards the hallway to see her husband with slightly muffled hair stand there with a tilted head.

Giyuu, her husband, it's still a strange thing to think of say but she likes it. Giyuu takes few strides towards her and brings her into his arms. She almost collapses into them, but doesn't, not yet.

She leans against his chest with a sigh, all her weight falling into him as he wraps his arms around her, a hand carding into her thick jet and purple locks. His fingers tracing circles into her back as she feels some of the tension leave her shoulders. Shinobu buries her face into his chest, she missed this, she missed him most importantly.

He's already changed into the clothes he wears to bed, letting his hair down, it seems as if he's ready to go to bed. She was almost late, he almost went to bed without her but thankfully he didn't. It's one of the many reasons she loves him, his patience, he waited for her but everyone has their limits, even him, but she appreciates his patience with her even if her job is demanding.

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