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To Shinobu's credit(Aware that sometimes he doesn't give her enough as it is.) she knows where to not cross a line and when to stop prodding and teasing. Now is one of those times.

A/N: I was supposed to be working on finishing a new chapter of Trials and Tribulations but ended up finishing this... Enjoy!


Giyuu knew this would happen the moment he woke up in the morning. The constant pressure built in his head as the sunlight spilled through the windows and onto his sheets, it already felt like it was too bright even if it was just morning. The sun was hardly even up, instead, it was just peeking out from behind the peaks of the mountains rays of light spilling out from behind them in an array of soft pinks, yellows in blues. Ordinarily, he'd find the sight beautiful and would stay a while to watch it but he was already starting to feel like his brain was getting torn in half so he decided it was best to just skip it and save it for another day.

With a sigh, he gets up and changes his clothes despite how much his body protests it, he has a long day of work ahead of him and the earlier he gets started with it the sooner he can go to sleep(That's not even counting how he has patrol later today but he chooses to willfully ignore it at the time).


Despite his aching head, he finds himself aimlessly wandering around, it does nothing to help his head but instead makes it worse. But he has to get something to help it since it really seems like this one won't go away without it. He doesn't want to though, he wants to stay inside, buried in his blankets, and not leave until it's all gone away like usual. Giyuu wants some comfort, and he's going to get it if it ends up killing him even though it probably won't but his brain seems to make him think otherwise.

So he searches out his girlfriend who is currently busy working on her poisons and creating even stronger ones.

He sighs once he walks into her office and sees it and goes to leave and stops when he hears Shinobu call out his name. He looks over towards her and lets out a hum. "What's wrong?" She softly asks, propping up her head on her palm as she scans him over. His tense, far more tense than usual, and his shoulder slightly shake, she presses her lips into a thin line as she waits for an answer.

"Migraine," He curtly answers, and her head perks up a bit along with her brows. "Oh," She seems surprised, then she looks back at her workspace. "I'll meet you in my room, in a few," He nods and follows her directions and as the seconds pass by his migraine only seems to get worse and worse by the second.

By the time he gets to her room, he kicks the door closed behind him and doesn't bother to move the blankets and just lays on it, hoping, hoping that it'll get better but it doesn't. White-hot flashes of pain run through his veins as he tries to go to sleep but can't.

By the time Shinobu arrives it's already at his worse, he doesn't even realize she arrived once she hears his voice and fills her fingers running through his hair.

"Have you taken any medicine for it?" Shinobu softly asks her voice barely above a whisper. Her hand has now moved to his scalp, fingers gingerly combing their way through his jet-black locks careful that the added contact doesn't send him over the edge. Letting out a shallow breath he hardly even bothers to shake his head, his figure curling into himself even more.

"No," He shakily exhales, a huff of air escaping as he flares his nostrils. It wasn't often that he got ones this bad, at least not anymore, they became more spaced out as he got older, enough that he hardly even fretted getting them at all. His sister, and his parents... if he remembers correctly, he doesn't remember his parents that well, would always coddle him because of them; with brows creased and crestfallen lips worried it'd turn into something worse. His lips formed into a straight line as he tightly gripped the sleeves of his haori. The memories stung beyond belief, and he'd rather not remember them again.

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