Chapter 22

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**Isabella's POV**

"Emma Cassidy how the hell do you think I feel when I'm on vacation and all of a sudden my daughter is on EVERY magazine cover!" I eavesdropped on the conversation going on in Cass's room next door.

"Mom I would have told you as soon as you got back!" She yelled.

"Young lady do not use that time with me!"

"What tone?! I didn't even do anything wrong!"

"You are in a hospital child! Obviously somehing went wrong!"

"Mom, what does any of this have to do with my boyfriend?!" She spat at her mother.

"You don't find it strange the boy you have been obsessed with forever is suddenly your boyfriend?!"

"NO! Not at all! Because he is and I love him and that's that!" Cassidy yelled and you could hear a door slam. It was either her or her mother.

". . . So I just don't think seeing him is a very good idea." I snapped back to my own conversation when my mom said this. I hadn't really been laying attention.

"Wait what?!" I shook my head trying to comprehend,

"It seems to me that since these boys came I to your lives that nothing but trouble has happened and I think you should stop seeing this Niall kid!" She reiterated.

"What does my car crash have to do with my boyfriend?"

"EX boyfriend" she corrected me.

"Ummm no mom he's my boyfriend!"

"It's just weird that all this bad stuff happens right when they appear and I just don't think you're ready for the responsibilities of fame- out your phone down while I'm talking to you!" She scolded me. Oops too late,

New tweet - thanks for the lecture mom but I think I'll keep my boyfriend.

Well that caused drama in the fandom fast.

**Andrea's POV**

"Mom how do you all even find us" I finally asked after not listening to her lecture for the last 10 minutes.

"We'll first if all you should have informed me right away that you got in an accident! And the hospital called us all thank you very much" my mother huffed and folded her arms.

"Sorry...." I mumbled. "Are you mad like Mrs. Lockheart Rorey and Daiton?"

"Why would I be mad? You're dating Josh Devine!" She put emphasis and sarcasm on that last part as if to mock me when I used to fangirl over him so hard,

"Shut up" I laughed and punched her arm.

"Now tell me about him.. Yaknow ACTUALLY about him not just scary random facts you know about him via your blog. What's he like?" She smiled. That's my mom!

**Sienna's POV**

"Mom stop I'm fine" I argued as my mom tried adjusting my arm sling and everything for the 100th time!

"I'm just making sure you're okay! That was a serious accident!"

"Mrs. Daiton well need to discuss some insurance issues if you're not busy at the moment" the doctor butted in.

"I'm out" I said and rushed out of the room. Cassidy and Isabella seemed to still be stuck in there screaming matches with their moms over what happened in their rooms.

Maybe ill go see Andrea.

I wandered my way down to the waiting room. I knew this hospital like the back of my hand. And I pushed through the heavy metal doors.

"Hey Andrea doesn't this robe make me look styli- Tom." I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw him sitting there with a balloon and flowers.

"Hi. I heard you were in the hospital and since you're boyfriend wasn't around I brought you a get well balloon and flowers" he awkwardly handed them to me,

"Oh uhh... Thanks! How'd you know Harry left?" I cautiously asked. I was still suspicious of him.

"I'm friends with Louis....?" Tom said as if I had just asked the stupidest question in the world.

"Oh! Well thank you for the flowers I should probably go find Andre-"

"I love you" he abruptly stuttered

"Excuse me?" I plainly asked out of pure shock.

"I mean- I- I didn't-"

"Tom don't even. Please, tell me about the paper that fell out of your car that had te twitter name @letmalikyou69 on it and strangely enough it's a hate page directed towards me and the girls and it has information I've only told you on it"

I rushed out almost tripping over m own words.


"Shut up you know what I'm talking about" I said.

"It's not what you think!"

"Really now?! Because you have very reason to hate me dating Harry! And you're the only one who knows stuff about me that's on that account! But I will say, I'm very curious as to how you broke into each of our houses..." I spilled everything.

"Sienna you honestly think I would do that to you?!" He started shouted.

"Please... Take it out side" the receptionist butted in,

"Gladly" I mumbled and grabbed his arm, dragging Tom outside.

"Then really Tom! Give me a reason why I should believe you!"

"Some strange number called me and said the username and told me to check it out so I wrote it down! Thanks for jumping to the fact that I'm a stalker! Is that how you think of me? I'm a stalker?" He sputtered and started choking back words as tears welled up over the edge if his eyes,

"I'm sorry Tom I guess it's just what seemed logica-"

"Save it" he muttered and dropped the flowers as he got in his car and left.

I stormed back into the waiting room.


"Hey babe what's up?" I cheerily picked ip the call. It was Harry. This seemed a little suspicious though that he was calling. It had only been a day since they left and he said he'd call me after the all day meet and greet they had. It was only 2 in the afternoon.

"Sorry who is this im speaking to?" a girl said over the speaker. my heart dropped,

"this is Harry's girlfriend, who are you?" I slowly explained.

"Um... No I'm Harry's girlfriend."

Oh hell no.


Dun dun dunnnn

Is Styles cheating on his Sienna?! Or it all just a mistake! The world may never know....


"Up all night"s I see what you did there boys (;

Hashtag goodnight.


Happy New Years! :D

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