Chapter 12

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**Andrea's POV**

"th-this username came from a paper in Tom's car a-and... He's the only other person I told." sienna stuttered still stating wide-eyed at the screen.

"no one else was there?" I asked trying not to jump to conclusions. Anyone could tell that no one wanted to talk about the fact that someone could be watching us. Always watching.

"no one." sienna said plainly never moving her head.

"but what about tha-" Isabella started.

Sienna quickly shot her head towards Isabella with visible tears in her eyes. She was scared and restated "no. one." so everyone dropped the subject.

"doesn't have to be Tom though..." I mumbled, which was true.

"im gonna go eat my feelings then" isabella announced and we all trekked to the kitchen to get something to eat. With Cassidy being impeccably better there wasn't much to be so upset about. It was a typical sleepover kind of night:

We ate a ton of food, watched some movies, had a dance party, and just for kicks we went onto our old One Direction instagram accounts.

"I wonder what they'd do if they knew they were following us. I hardly let them know what I looked like" Isabella said as she logged in. @pretty_infected_directioners. "I'm putting my account on private that way people don't follow me because I'm with Niall... And less hate that way... Plus Niall won't be able to see it then I mean now that I think about it I was kind of creepy." she laughed to herself.

Sienna got on her and gained over 50k. She was the only one of us who posted a bunch of selfies all the time someone must've recognized her. The comments all consisted of "are you really dating Harry?! Lucky!!!!"

I logged into mine @worshipof5gods and took a quick selfie and posted "PLOT TWIST this is my account and none of you even realized your following Josh'sgirlfriend" then I tagged the girl who fought me over Jandrea. "lol jealous? Jandrea's mine. For real."

I scrolled down my feed and saw a recently posted picture from Isabella of her and Sienna making weird faces captioned: "anyone even realize this was my account? Lol no one? Oh okay I love you guys too #awkward"

We all relieved the stupidest questions and responses. It felt good to laugh like this I mean we haven't in a while.

"it's cold down here can we get some more blankets?" Isabella asked.

"sure I've got some up in my room" sienna claimed and we all followed her up the steps to her room. "grab as many as you want!" she laughed.

Me and Isabella grabbed as many blankets and pillow as we could planning to build a fort once we got back down the steps. I looked up to see Isabella frozen in her tracks staring out the window at her own bedroom window across the way. Sienna walked over to stand next to her and immediately froze her eyes getting wide. The blankets and pillows all dropped from their arms. I warily stepped over and turned to the window instantly dropping my stuff as well.




The three of us had said in order as if we counted down from 3 and planned it that way. Staring back at us from Isabella's bedroom window was a black hooded figure and we couldn't make out the face seeing as it was too dark. It just stood there.


After a good 25 second staring contest it abruptly shot around and sprinted around her room and through her doorway and then out the front door towards Sienna's front door.

"please tell me your front door is locked!" I started to cry and hug the panicking Isabella while Sienna shut the blinds and locked her bedroom door.

"I'm really praying to baby Jesus that it is right now" Sienna responded. We all helped push her dresser in front of the door and stayed in her room the rest of the night. We cried and worried ourselves to sleep while hugging in her closet. It was all okay until 4am when something started jiggling Sienna's bedroom doorknob.

**Cassidy's POV**

Liam stayed in my room the rest of that night. Lassidy was official. Eeeeeeek. Liam's hand was intertwined with mine which lay motionless on the side of the bed. I slowly removed my fingers and began to poke Liam in the shoulder. It was 2:36 am.

"Liam!" i whispered. "Liiaamm!" I whisper yelled until he jostled awake,

"what? Are you okay?!" he frantically asked once he came to reality,

"I have to pee." I awkwardly stated,

"pardon?" Liam asked.

"I. Have. To. Pee." I restated. Did I not speak clearly the first time?

"oh! Do you need me to get a nurse or-"

"I'm not decapitated Li I just need help walking you big dummy" I laughed and innocently smacked his shoulder with no power at all.

After a 10 minute process of being untangled from tubes and wires carefully as to not set off the alarms Liam and I walked hand in hand down the hospital hallways. I could get used to this and I smiled to myself.

"umm. Here you go Cass" Liam awkwardly pointed me to the restroom door.

We stood there outside the door for a while and Liam looked rather confused. "I don't actually have to pee" I whisper confessed. "I just wanted to walk with you" and with that he became just Centimeters from my face and our lips met. I smiled into the kiss.

"and just for waking me up at 2 in the morning I'm not going to let you walk!" he laughed as he swept me off my trembling feet bridal style and ran me back to the bleak room where he laid me back down.

"sleep with me Liam. I don't wanna let go of you again" I drowsily announced.

"what?" he asked. Man this boy and his hearing!

I scooted over in the bed. "just sleep next to me. It's too empty in here" I smiled at him. Liam quite uncomfortably and awkwardly slid in next to me. "jeez I'm not asking you for anything dirty!" I laughed. And with that he relaxed and wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep as such with smiles plastered across our faces.

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