Chapter 15

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**Cassidy's POV**

"What the ACTUAL hell is wrong with you?!" Andrea screamed in Harry's face.

He was sitting on the floor with his knees to his chest and his head in between his legs.

"WE'LL DONT JUST SIT THERE! Are you going to talk?! I cannot absolutely BELIEVE what you just did!!" She yelled and turned around to calm herself down.

"Well how would you react if someone sent that to you?" We heard his deep voice grumble from within his little huddle.

"Well if she said it wasn't her then you believe her!" She said point blank.

I did not want to get involved and clearly neither did Liam so we sat on the sofa just outside the kitchen.

"I will freakin PROVE that someone is out to get her! It's out to get us all!" And with that she stormed up the steps to grab the tape I assumed.

After we all huddled around the downstairs TV it began to flick on and we patiently waited for it to rewind to the beginning.

And so the tape began and we watched it again. Me and Liam shrank back into our seats blushing like crazy but they all ignored what was happening. They were more focused in what was happening in the sense that there's a camera following us around on a night we all knew we were there. This time we watched through the video if Andrea on the phone and even the new footage of Sienna's bedroom window from Isabella's across the lawn. Eventually it flicked off and we all sat there in chills.

"Why wasn't any if this brought up before?!" Liam asked me getting involved.

"We only found out for sure at 2 this morning to be quite honest" I assured them.

"I'm going to find Sienna" Harry huffed as he grabbed his coat and headed for the front door.

"I'll come with. Isabella isn't answering her phone" Niall said. Me and Andrea gave him the what-did-you-do look. "I said something that upset her..." And with that the two boys were off on there merry way. Good thing cos it was getting dark out.

**Sienna's POV**

"I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE HIM!" I yelled startling the birds in the trees.

Isabella tried comforting me but I wouldn't listen. "I know girl he shouldn't have reacted the way he did but all we can do right now is hope tha-"

"He didn't even believe me! And then he grabbed my arm. Oh my god it hurts. " I whined, grabbing my arm with my other hand.

"We should probably head back to the house though I mean it's getting dark." Isabella suggested.

"I'll leave but I won't go back to that house if HE'S there" I spat.

I looked down at my phone it was already 6. My phone started to ring again.

"For god sake if I have to hear that song one more time I'm answering his call" Isabella laughed as she sat on the tire swing.

"I will never understand why you don't like my ringtone" I snickered.

"It's like party rock WMYB it's a disgrace to the beauty of the original song!" She said in a mocking sort of tone.

"What was that?" My head darted up as I heard something in the distance.

"What was what?" She asked me.

"There it was again!" I kept hearing something like footsteps but not quite.

"I don't hear anything child you're going insane!"

"But it's-"

"There's nothing Sienna. Come on let's get back home." Isabella climbed down from the tire swing and I climbed down from the tree I was perched in.

"Yeah these woods are getting creepy anyway." I said and we began to walk out.

"I should probably turn my phone back on, Niall's most likely trying to get ahold of me too" I heard her mumble. I skipped ahead of her a bit so I was walking in front cos I really didn't like these woods now even though the clearing was just a few feet ahead of us.

"Sienna?" Isabella whispered.

"What?" I replied not understanding why she was whispering.

She continued whispering really low "On the count of three we need to run okay?"



"Why are we-" why did we need to run? I started to get a panicking feeling in my chest.

"2... 3..." And with that (being the athletic girls we are) we sprinted like the wind out into the streets. Isabella had caught up to me and we never quit running.

I glanced behind me real fast to see a hooded figure running after us. I knew I heard something.

"Bitch your crazy! What do you want from us?!" Isabella screamed inbetween breaths.

"Aaah!" I screamed as I face planted the sidewalk.

"Sienna come on!!!" Isabella turned around and tried pulling me up.

The person was getting quicker. Isabella swung her leg around to kick the person in the face but it caught her foot and threw her backward

"Ahhow!" She squealed. Now over top of me stood the faceless being and next to me was a curled up Isabella. "God I think You broke my leg!" She cried.

"No leave me alone!" I shouted, helplessly smacking my hands around the person. Two gloved hands reached for me And it went black.

**Niall's POV**

"You know Harry you can be a real block head some times" I said as Harry and I drove down the street for the fifth time. It had been 3 hours of searching and it was nearly 6:30.

"Leave me alone, you don't think I'm not worried sick about her? I feel terrible actually for the way I overreacted!" He shouted at me.

"This never would've happened if you stayed level-headed!"

I was more worried about Isabella. She wasn't answering my phone at all and I didn't even know if she was with sienna.

"Aahhhh!" We heard a scream in the distance.

"THAT'S DEFINITELY SIENNA! SPEED UP!" Harry ordered and I sped up my car. In about a minute and a half if following screams we came across the girls.

Sienna was bruised around the neck and Isabella sat clutching her leg and sobbing. What in the Sam hell happened?!



"Niall!" I leaped out of my car and to Isabella's aid.

Harry sprang from his seat as well and went straight for Sienna.

"I think I broke my leg" she told me

"Here I got you" and I picked Isabella up bridal style and set her in the back of the car.

"Sienna come in wake up!" Harry choked between tears. Isabella and I watched from the car. "Sienna! I'm sorry!" He yelled and wiped his eyes.

"Is she okay?" Isabella yelled from next to me.

"She's not wakin up! And she's hardly breathing!"

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