Chapter 9

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A/N- I feel like nothing much really gets accomplished in this chapter.. Oh well! And also thank you to my very few fans other than the girls Sienna, Andrea, and Cassidy(: keep fanning and voting please! <3


**Isabella's POV**

It's been 25 minutes and the ambulance still wasn't here! "BLOODY HELL!" I finally stood up and screamed. I started crying harder as Sienna just started to cry and Niall was hugging me from behind trying to comfort me and Harry was trying to comfort Sienna.

A little while later the ambulance showed up and Sienna was about to let loose on them. "SHE COULD'VE DIED WHERE WERE YOU?!" she screamed as the ambulance pulled up. She collapsed to her knees and Harry leaned down next to her. The nurses and ambulance people rushed in and took Cassidy out on the gurney.

Me, Niall, Zayn, and Liam followed the ambulance to the hospital in my truck. But Niall drove because I wasn't in a proper state of mind to be driving. Sienna, Harry, and Louis followed in her jeep. But Louis drove them. I didn't know what was goin on in her jeep but I was frantically dialing Andrea's number. Every time it sent me to voicemail I must've left like 7 voicemails. "please pick up Andrea! Whenever you get this please go to the hospital! Cassidy's sick and we don't know wht's happening!" I cried into the speaker. Niall was holding my hand across the seat.

Shortly after we arrived at the hospital. Me and Sienna got out of our cars simultaneously and were the first in the front doors. "where's Cassidy Wilson?!" sienna said to the receptionist lady.

"Ms. Wilson just got in a few moments ago, she's in wing C room 17" she said as she typed on her computer.

"can we go visit?!" I rushed.

"only immediate family is allowed to see Ms Wilson at these moments" the receptionist calmly replied. How could she be so calm?!

"but we're like her family!" sienna shouted.

"but you aren't her actual family" the receptionist retorted very snobbishly.

"SHE DOESN'T HAVE A FAMILY OKAY?! THEY DIED IN A HOUSE FIRE AND WERE ALL SHE HAS JUST LET US GO SEE IF SHE'S ALRIGHT!!!!" I yelled at the receptionist as the tears streamed down my face. (hehe, see what I did there? No? Ok.) I was so infuriated at the lady that she wouldn't let us in!

"well in that case I guess I can make an acception" she solemnly said. Sienna was questioningly staring at me. The receptionist opened a door for us to walk through and gave us family visitors passes. It was just the two of us walking down the eerily cold hallway with nothing but beeping coming from all corners.

"Cassidy's family are just in Cancun on vacation" Sienna whispered.

"yeah I know but I needed to get access to her somehow!" I whispered back.

"look at you gettin better at lying!" sienna said hitting my shoulder in a joking manner.

We got lost a couple times but eventually found the C wing.

"room 12, 13, 14..." sienna counted off the rooms. "room 17!" and she knocked on the door and walked in. I looked over my shoulders and followed.

Cassidy was lying on the ugly white hospital bed with iv's attached to her and an oxygen tube that went to her nose. I raised a hand to my mouth as tears started to well in my eyes again. I couldn't take seeing Cassidy like this. Sienna wandered over to the foot of her bed and I walked up next to her.

"you must be Cassidy's sisters" a male voice said from behind. We both spun around in unison to see the doctor in the doorway

"uh cousins" sienna corrected.

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