Chapter 24

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**Sienna's POV**

"What?!" Andrea screeched.

"What?" Isabella joined.

"What." Cassidy walked in completely oblivious to what just happened.

"I mean think about it. This 'it' that keeps stalking us does everything to torture us. And she intentionally 'accidentally'" I air quoted. "Called me, KNOWING I'd pick up, from Harry's phone claiming to be Harry's girlfriend. To try an break us up. If Niall hadn't barged into the room while that girl was on the phone with me we probably..." I trailed off and fiddled with the ring on my right hand.

"I missed all of this?! This just all happened right now?!" Cass sputtered.



"Pretty much" me and the other two stated.

"Woow" Cass muffled into her hands covering her face.

"So is that the only reason why you think the crazy girl was LMY?" Isabella asked.

"Well no. Niall said she was blonde and tall and she drove a gold Honda!" I emphasized the last part.

"Soooo....?" Andrea tried to pry the rest from me.


"No one." Cass blankly answered.

"Noo seriously think about a gold Honda that we've ridden in before?"

"For god sake sienna just tell us!" Isabella yelled, her face reddening.

"The creepy waitress from iHop!" I blurted out.

Everyone got real quiet.

"Why would she of all people stalk us though?" Andrea interrogated as if she thought I was out of my mind.

"I don't know! But that's all I could think of okay!" I plopped down in a seat.

"I mean we don't really know that for a fact though, she has no motive." Isabella said.

"Come on guys" I sighed. "I'm not crazy. It HAD to be her! We all could tell that girl was off her rocker anyway when she followed us around a fricken pancake place"

"I guess..." Cassidy said.

"Know what?! I can tell none of you believe me so" I smacked my hands on the arms of the chair and pushed myself up. "I'm leaving soon anyway. I need to go find my mom" I walked off in search of her.

**Isabella's POV**

The three of us remained there in the waiting area with our various braces and casts.

"Am I the only one who wants to believe sienna but i mean that seems kind of... Err... Out there" I spoke.

"It's just. Why? I mean it could totally be that girl she was completely insane, but just why?!" Cassidy said.

"I think she's probably just a crazy fangirl who got overly jealous and started taking it a little too far, if this is the case" Andrea said.

We stood there in silence for a bit not knowing what to do. It seemed fairly random that the iHop freak was our stalker but it makes sense I guess. "But how does she know all kinds if stuff about us?" I said.

"I don't know." Cass shook her head.

"You ready to leave honey?" Cass's mother came alone and before she could answer, swept her daughter away with her.

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