Girls vs. Boys - Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


“She did what!” Amy yelled. 

“I told you-”

“I heard you!” she yelled. 

I held my hands up, “Well you asked,” I said. 

She paced back and forth the room, “Can you please quit pacing, you’re making me nervous.” 

She froze, glared at me and then started pacing again. 

“What do we do, what do we do?” she mumbled mainly to herself.  She froze mid-step, turned towards me and started smiling. 

“What are you thinking?” I asked, not wanting to know the answer. 

Her smile grew wider and I started backing up.  She ran towards me grabbing my arm and dragging me after her.  Dragging me out of the door I fell down the stairs, landing on my face with an Oomph.  I couldn’t even get up and she started dragging me again, Holy cow was this girl strong.





I stared at the sunset one more minute before getting up and walking over to Rocky.  I untied his rope and mounted.  Turning him around, I started him walking.  It was beginning to get dark and was hard to see.  I heard a twig snap and looked behind me to find nothing.  I must be hearing things?  I looked around one last time before turning back around.  I heard a growl and Rocky started to gallop. 

“Whoa,” I said trying to calm him down. 

He ran around a corner and a tree branch came into my vision.  Everything seemed to go in slow motion.  The branch hit me in the head knocking me off balance causing me to fall to the ground.  Rocky kept running until I couldn’t see him anymore.   I heard more twigs cracking and leaves crunching. 

I got up brushing myself off.  I heard some more growling and looked around.  I saw some movement to my left and whipped my head around.  It was slowly making its way towards me, I saw its shadow and then…


After radioing in that Lexi had run off I went off to search for her.  I have been searching for an hour and it was getting dark.  I heard something and stopped.  Galloping, it has to be Lexi!  I got off my horse and waited for her to get closer.  Her horse came around the corner, without her.  I walked up to Rocky and tried calming him. 

I grabbed my radio, “Rob, I found Lexi’s horse, without her on it,” I said. 

He radioed back, “Wait where you are, I will send out a search party.”  I stood waiting for 10 minutes before anyone came out.  Lexi’s friends Summer, Will, and Chris came out to search. 

Summer and Will went in one direction, while Chris and I went in the other. 

“So why did Lexi run off?” Chris asked. 

“I was asking her about the dance last night, she blew up and ran off,” I said. 

He nodded, and we continued in silence.  Hearing a scream we looked at each other and started at a gallop towards the scream.

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