Girls vs. Boys - Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Ok I love to shop, but if you are seriously worried about which shade of green looks the best, you are crazy.  I stood waiting with Summer and Amy, for the other girls that came with.  So far they had tried on around 20 to 30 different dresses…each. 

“Which do you think I should get?” One girl asked us.  She was trying to decide between a long silky forest green dress and a knee length strapless emerald dress.  They were both so different (besides being green). 

“Which one do you like?” I asked her. 

“Well, I kind of like the strapless one, but my friend thinks I look better in the other one,” She said. 

I sighed, “You should get the one you like,” I said.  She nodded and ran off to pay. 

“When did picking out a dress become so difficult?” I asked.  Summer and Amy shrugged. 

After a half an hour we finally headed back to camp.  We walked into our cabin and locked our clothes in closet. 

“What time is it?” I asked Amy. 

“Um, it’s 5:48,” she said looking at her watch. 

I froze and turned facing her, she had the same expression.  We started running around finding everything we needed.  The talent show started at 6:00 and we were the second act.  I grabbed my clothes I picked out for the talent show and ran to the bathroom.  I came out a minute later after struggling to get my dress on.  My dress was white with a pink sash getting bigger as it goes right.  Amy has almost the same dress except her pink sash doesn’t get bigger.  I waited for Amy to get dressed and then joined her in the bathroom to put our makeup on.  I quickly put on some light makeup and straightened my hair.  Looking at the clock, I grabbed Amy as soon as she came out of the bathroom and started running out the door. 

“Oh wait, I forgot my guitar,” I said. 

“I’ll meet you there,” She said.  I ran back into the cabin looking for my guitar.  I went to the locked closet where I kept my guitar and the lock was broken.  I opened it and froze, blinking back tears.  My guitar was in half, the top hanging by the strings.  I picked it up and laid it on my bed.  I went back to the closet looking at the damage.  I spotted something shining, and grabbed it.  It was a charm, with Ruby’s name on it.  Gritting my teeth I walked out the door. 

Walking towards the talent show stage, I spotted Ruby.  Walking over to her I slapped her right across the face.  She fell backwards gasping.  She sat up, and spotted me.  I smirked and turned around walking towards Amy.  She pointed behind me and I looked over my shoulder, and stepped over causing Ruby to fall face first in the mud. 

“That will teach you to ruin my guitar,” I said throwing the charm at her back. 

I walked over to Amy, “What do we do now, my guitar is completely ruined,” I said.  Amy opened her mouth to speak but got cut off by the 1st act ending. 

“Next up is Amy and Lexi,” The announcer said.  I looked at Amy in panic, and slowly made our way on stage. 

“Psst, Lexi,” I heard.  I looked down; it was Zack, holding a guitar.  He handed me the guitar and I walked back to Amy, adjusting the strap.  I placed the microphone stand in front of us.  I looked at Amy 1, 2, 3 I mouthed, and we started.


Lexi McBride, you better watch out.  I am going to make your life a living hell.

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