Girls vs. Boys - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I was in a great mood today.  Mainly because of Ruby’s hair. 

“Lexi, are you okay, you’re acting weird,” Amy asked. 

“I am amazing, why?”  I asked, smiling. 

“You’re not usually this…smiley,” she said motioning to my face. 

“I could be in a bad mood,” I pointed out. 

She nodded her head knowingly, “True.” 

“So what do we have to do today?” I asked. 

“I have to go help set up the dance and talent show thanks to Ruby, and you can do whatever,”  I nodded, “Well good luck, with that.”  She mumbled something I couldn’t hear. 

Let’s see what should I do today?  I guess I should get ready for the dance and everything.  I went to the counselor office. 

“Hello, what can I help you with?” the lady at the dance asked. 

“I was wondering if I could get a counselor to drive me to the mall.” I asked. 

“There are three others wanting to go to, do you mind going with them in a half an hour?” she asked. 

“I don’t mind, were do we meet?” I asked. 

“Come back here in a half an hour,” She said. 

I nodded, thanking her and walking out.


I stood there shocked.  “What the hell are you doing!?” I repeated. 

She dropped the scissors running out of the cabin.  I unfroze after a second, and whipped around chasing her.  I nearly tore the door off, just because it wouldn’t come open on the first try.  I feel bad for that door.  I took off after her knocking a couple people over. 

She ran towards the counselor office.  I had almost got there when someone grabbed me by the arm.  I was yanked backwards, falling down.  I quickly got up and turned around looking at who grabbed my hand; Chris. 

My glare softened, “What’s wrong, Amy?” He asked, getting up.  I instantly remembered what happened.  I walked over to Chris, putting my face in his chest, starting to cry. 

He rubbed my back until I calmed down, “What happened Amy?” He asked softly. 

I looked at him, “Our dresses…ruined,” I said in between hiccups.  He looked at me in confusion; I grabbed his hand leading him back to my cabin. 

“What happened to the door?” he asked.  I looked at him giving a sheepish smile. 

The door was half off its hook.  I carefully opened it, and walked in.  I looked around and spotted the cut up dresses.  Walking over to them I ran my fingers over the remains of Summer’s dress. 

Lexi walked in, “What happened to the do-“She asked, stopping when she saw the dresses. 

“What happened?” She asked walking over. 

“Ruby,” was all I said.  She lifted the remains of my dress. 

“Ok, well we can’t do anything about her now, but trust me we will get her,” she said. 

I nodded, “But what do we do about the dance, we need dresses,” I said. 

She nodded, “A counselor is leaving in about 15 minutes, to go to the mall.” 

“Now we just need to find Summer,” I said.  As if on cue Summer walked in, we all turned to her. 

“Whoa what happened here?” she asked. 

“I’ll explain later, we have to get to the mall,” Lexi said. 

She grabbed us by the arm and started dragging us out of the cabin. 

I quickly kissed Chris on the cheek and then got pulled out of the door.

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