Girls vs. Boys - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

We put glue all over her clothes and they will either stick together or they will just be all gooey and you can’t really wear clothes like that. 

Then we put some fake bugs in her bed.  And to top it off we put a big bucket of chocolate milk over the bathroom door, with a sign on the door that says ‘This means war!”  She better get the message, because we went easy on her this time. 

She walked in around 8 and went straight to her room, she came out carrying some of the clothes that have glue, “What is this?” she asked. 

“Hey don’t ask us, we didn’t do it,” I pretended to look it over, “It could be from the bugs,” I said. 

She screamed and dropped them running to her room.  She screamed a few minutes later, probably from the bugs.  She ran screaming to the bathroom and read the note; I quickly pulled the string, covering her in chocolate milk. 

She ran out of the room and we quickly cleaned everything up.  Amy cleaned up her glue and threw out the clothes, Summer cleaned up the milk and took down the note, I put all the fake bugs back in a box and put it under my bed. 

We quickly put on our pajamas and Summer picked up her book and started reading while me and Amy practiced our song.  Good thing too, because right then a counselor came in followed by Ruby still covered in milk. 

“Girls, Ruby here says that you put glue on her clothes, bugs in her bed, and poured chocolate milk on her.” 

“Now why would we do that?” Summer asked. 

“Where would we get the milk, the mess hall is completely out until tomorrow,” Amy said. 

“Plus do you see any of that?” I asked. 

“Well let me take a look around,” the counselor said. 

We nodded and Ruby stood there shocked. 

The counselor came out a minute later, “Ruby there aren’t any bugs in your bed and it doesn’t look like you even unpacked, I don’t see any chocolate milk either.” 

Ruby stood there mouth wide open, “But-but,” was all she could say.  The counselor took her by her arm and led her out of the cabin. 

Once we saw that they were a ways away we burst out laughing, “Did you see her face!” Summer said.  I was laughing so hard I couldn’t speak. 

After we calmed down I said, “Do you think she will get the hint?” I asked. 

“Only one way to make sure,” Summer said grinning evilly, holding up a bottle of hair dye. 

“What color is it?”  I asked. 

“Neon Yellow,” Summer said. 

I laughed, “Perfect, I will go get her shampoo,” I said. 

I walked into her room, looking around.  I spotted her bag; walking over to it I opened it and started looking. 

“Aha,” I said.  I grabbed it and started walking out.  I heard the door slam. 

“Oh hey RUBY,” Summer said giving me the hint,” I looked around, the window!  I opened it and slid out quickly, shutting it behind me. 

“Lexi, what are you doing?” I heard Will say.  I turned around slowly hiding the shampoo behind my back. 

“Nothing,” I said.  He raised an eyebrow, obviously he didn’t believe me. 

“What’s behind your back?” he asked. 

“Nothing,” I said stupidly. 

“Ok then take your hands out from behind your back,” he said.  I shoved the shampoo in my back pocket and showed him my hands. 

“Turn around,” he said.  I grabbed the shampoo and quickly turned around putting it in front of me and running into my cabin. 

Ruby must be in her room, “Here,” I said, throwing the shampoo to Summer.  She caught it and put the hair dye in it and mixing it with a straw.  She threw the straw out and closed the shampoo.  Ruby walked to the bathroom and I quickly threw the shampoo in her bag and ran to sit down on my bed. 

“Okay guys I think we should spy on Ruby,” I whispered.  They nodded their head. 

“Ok so I will start tomorrow and we can switch off sometime,” I said. 

“Okay, but right now we should get some sleep,” Amy said. 

I nodded, “Night girls,” I said. 

“Night,” they replied. 

I curled up in bed and shut the light off.

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