Girls vs. Boys - Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

“All passengers for the flight to Wisconsin, last call to board, last call,” I sighed getting up and grabbing my bag.  Last time I heard this was when we were stopping Summer, and now it’s my turn.  I handed my ticket to the lady before walking to board the plane.  I looked back one more time, hoping someone would come and stop me. 

“Miss, you have to board the plane,” the lady said.  I nodded and turned back around, walking onto the plane.  And for one brief second I thought I heard someone calling my name.  I found my seat, and put my bag above.  Sitting down, I had the window seat, looking out of the window; I swear I saw……Zack.  I must be seeing things; I sat back and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep. 










Lexi is gone, she is truly gone.  I felt the tears running down my face.  I feel to the ground covering my face, and sobbing.  I felt a pair of arms lift me up, and the cold wind hit my arms.  I could tell we were moving, and within seconds it was warmer.  I was set on my bed and I looked up at who carried me, it was Chris.  I gave a sheepish smile, sniffing.  He gave me a warm smile and sat down next to me, pulling me closer to him. 

“She wouldn’t even let me explain,” I whispered.

“She would have left anyway,” He said.  I nodded and closed my eyes drifting off.


Opening my eyes, I looked at the clock; 8:13 Am.  I sighed and got up walking to the bathroom with a change of clothes.  Shuffling out of the bathroom I looked at Lexi’s bed and the memories off last night came back.  I felt some tears falling sown my face and quickly wiped them away. 

I walked out the door, towards the mess hall for breakfast.  Walking through the doors I saw Summer, Will and Chris at a different table.  I stared at them with shock, and walked through the line getting my food.  I turned around looking between my friends and our table.  Someone bumped me in the back and I walked towards our usual table ignoring the stares of my friends.  I sat down in my usual spot, unwrapping my cheeseburger and picking at it. 

I heard the door open and saw Ruby enter, smiling.  How dare she!  It’s all her fault! It’s her fault Lexi is gone.  She walked towards the food line, and I glared at her.  I picked up a huge handful of mashed potatoes and grabbed my fruit punch.  Getting up I walked behind her pouring the fruit punch on her head.  She turned around and I smashed the potatoes in her face.  She screamed. 

I whispered, “Bitch, that’s not the worst of what’s yet to come,” before turning around and walking out the door.

I walked all the way back to my cabin and grabbed my phone dialing Lexi’s number. 











I woke up to someone shaking me, “Miss you need to get off,” The flight attendant said.  I nodded my head and got up grabbing my bag.  I walked off the plane and into the airport.  I looked around and spotted my mom. 

Running over to her I hugged her as tight as I could, “Mom!” I said crying. 

“Shhh its ok,” she pulled my head away, “now will you tell me what happened?” 

I nodded my head, “Tell me on the way home,” My mom said.  And with that we walked out of the airport on our way home.  I explained everything that happened, and she listened to everything before talking. 

“You didn’t give him any time to explain?” she asked. 

“I did, but he stood there staring at the ground,” I said trying to fight back the tears. 

She nodded and said nothing.  We pulled into the driveway to our house, and unloaded my suitcases.  I lugged all three of my suitcases up the stairs to my room.  I dragged them in my room and fell back on my bed.

“Lexi, supper is in 15 minutes,” My mom yelled up the stairs.  Supper will probably some take out crap like usual.  Ever since my dad left 6 years ago, my mom hasn’t made a meal since.  We take our food and eat in our rooms.

My dad.  I loved him with all my heart and he let me down.  I still remember that day…


  Walking through the door I carried my oddly shaped bowl I made in art class.  I was going to give it to my mother for mother’s day.  I walked around the corner and found my parents fighting.  My dad was yelling some words I had never heard, and my mom was crying.  I dropped the bowl and heard it shatter into many pieces.  My parents didn’t even hear me.  My dad yelled some more and then walked away.  My mother fell to the floor and I ran over to her.

“Mommy,” I said shaking her, “Mommy what’s the matter?”

I heard some clunking coming down the stairs and looked up from my mom.  My dad had a few suitcases and didn’t even look at us before walking out the door.  I got up and ran after him.

“Daddy!” I yelled hoping he could hear me.  I opened the door as he slammed the trunk. 

I walked over to him quickly, “Daddy, where are you going?” I asked.

He looked at me, “I’m sorry my little bunny, but daddy needs to go away for a while.”

I shook my head while holding onto his leg, “Don’t go daddy!” I yelled.  He pried me off his leg and kissed me on the forehead before getting in his car and taking off.  I got up and started running after him hoping I could catch up to him, but knowing I couldn’t.  I stopped after he turned around the corner and I couldn’t see him.  I turned around and walked home, crying the whole way.  When I got in my mother was in her bedroom, crying.  I cleaned up the remains of my bowl and brought those upstairs and gluing them all back together as tears clouded my vision.

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