Girls vs. Boys - Prologue

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I couldn’t wait to go back to Vermont Summer camp; even though it is supposed to be a “punishment” I think it is really fun, especially since my best friend, Amy, is always there.  I hope Summer is there again, it was so much fun with her last year, because usually we get a stuck-up or shy girl, which is no fun. 

I arrived at the camp and ran to my usual cabin and saw Amy, “Hey!” I yelled, hugging her. 

“Lexi!” she yelled. 

“Is Summer here?” I asked. 

“No, not yet,” she said.

Summer walked through the door and we ran over and hugged her, “Summer!” we yelled. 

“Ok, so who do we prank first,” Summer said. 

We all laughed, last year we pranked three boys the day we left, it was amazing, we put honey, whipped cream, Amy’s special Amy glue, and stuff on the boys, then we put strings, water balloons, buckets of chocolate milk, all over, we even put syrup on the floor. It was hilarious they fell for everything; we even put feathers on the fan.  They came out and they looked like chickens!  We laughed so hard, and before we knew it, our parents came to pick us up.  We started crying while packing and promised we would come back next year, and here we are! 

“I missed you both so much,” said Summer.

We hugged again, “Well we should unpack now, so we can get over to the boys cabin and prank them, before they get here.”

We quickly unpacked and ran over to the boys’ cabin with our prank stuff.  We try and get here early so we can prank the boys once they get here.  Our pranks were in place now all we had to do was wait for the boys to come and walk in their cabin. 

They came a half an hour later, but when they got out it didn’t look like the same Will, Chris, and Zack, but we knew it was them.


We arrived at Vermont Summer camp and let me tell you if those same girls are here we are going to prank them with the best pranks ever.  Last year they pranked us right before leaving, we had to clean everything up before we could leave, and it took hours to clean the chocolate milk and syrup up.  We walked to our cabin, and opened the door.  Once inside we got hit with water balloons that were filled with…syrup? Oh great, this is going to take forever to clean up.  I walked outside and found the girls, who were laughing on the ground. 

“They…fell…for…it!” said one laughing.

“You are going to pay!” I yelled. 

“Oh, the boys are going to step it up, I would love to see you try!” said one of them.

I looked at them and saw two were laughing and the other was staring at me.  I looked at her…Lexi?  Jeez she looks…amazing!  Her blonde hair was in her face and her blue eyes were looking me over.

I smirked, “Take a picture it will last longer,” I said and walked away. 

I walked in the cabin, “We have to get back at them,” I said. 


“Take a picture it will last longer,” he smirked. 

Was that……Zack?  I watched him walk back to his cabin.  Summer and Amy were still on the ground laughing.  I walked back to the cabin and sat on my bed.  Was that really Zack?  He changed so much since last year. He got contacts (obviously) and his hair was longer, but what I noticed the most was that he was stronger, like six-pack strong.  He isn’t that goofy little boy anymore; I sure hope he is more mature than last year. 

Summer and Amy walked in still laughing, “That…was…hilarious,” said Summer trying to catch her breath.   

After they stopped laughing we got called down to the mess hall, for a tour.  We skipped the tour and planned more pranks, and it looks like the boys did the same.  I guess we couldn’t set up another prank until they left.  We had a plan to make sure we didn’t get pranked; we put pranks outside of our cabin, hidden of course.  So if anyone tried sneaking up on our cabin they would get what was coming to them.  We decide to go canoeing, after about an hour we headed back only to find Chris caught in one of our traps.  He was caught in a net we set up behind a bush. 

“You really thought you would get away with this?” I said.  He grinned sheepishly at us.  I guess we would have to move that to a new spot.  We got him untangled, and he ran off towards his cabin. 

“He seriously thought he would get us?” said Summer. 

“I guess, I mean he is a boy,” I said. 

“A cute boy,” muttered Amy. 

“You like him?” I asked, once Summer left. 

She nodded her head, “He’s just so much more…cute, than last year,” she said. 

I laughed, “I know, I think Zack is kind of cute,” I said. 

“I wonder if Summer likes Will?” 

“I’d love to see the day Summer doesn’t want to hurt a boy,” she said. 

We laughed, Summer isn’t always the most…happy person, but she is still our best friend.  Well we made it through the first day and the boys didn’t get us…yet.  Just as I was falling asleep, I heard a noise coming from outside. 

I went outside, and looked around, “Hello?” I said.  I heard the noise again and walked towards it, into the woods.


I woke up hearing someone screaming; I looked around and saw Lexi was gone. 

I started panicking, I walked over to Summer’s bed and shook her, “Summer, wake up, Lexi is gone!” I said, in a whisper. 

“What?” she said. 

“Lexi is gone!” I repeated. 

She was fully awake this time, “What!?” 

“Come on I heard her scream,” I said, motioning her to follow in the direction I heard Lexi scream.  We kept walking and found her on the ground, curled up in a ball, looking like she saw a ghost or something. 

“Lexi, what happened?!” I asked, helping her up. 

“B-b-b-b-bear,” she said. 

I gasped, “A bear?” She nodded her head.  We were walking her back to the cabin when we heard snickering. 

Summer went in the direction and saw the boys, “What were you thinking?!” she yelled, her hands on her hips. 

“We thought it would be funny…and it was,” She slapped them and came back to us, “Let’s go.”

We walked back to the cabin, “I-I c-can’t believe it was a p-prank,” said Lexi.

“It l-looked so r-real,” she looked like she was going to cry. 

“It’s ok Lexi,” I said. 

“Yeah, we are going to get them back so bad, that they wished they hadn’t done that to you,” said Summer, with an evil grin on her face.


Okay so I admit it was mean to do that, especially to Lexi, but I couldn’t talk the guys out of it.  I felt bad because she looked like she was going to cry.  But I guess what is done is done.  We got back to our cabin, and we went to bed.  I still couldn’t get her face out of my mind, her perfect full lips, her blue eyes, everything was perfect.  I fell asleep thinking of Lexi.




The next day we went to the craft cabin, and made some bracelets and necklaces.  I still couldn’t believe it was all a prank. We plan to get back at them if it is the last thing we do.

And that was how it started. Girls vs. Boys!

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