Girls vs. Boys - Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


It was the last day of camp and I could tell everyone was sad by the way they were moping around.  Time to get everyone cheered up.  I grabbed a bunch of water soakers and water balloons.  I put them in big buckets and added silly string.  I walked in the back of the mess hall.  I crawled on the floor with the bucket and took the water soaker and sprayed someone right in the back, I quickly set it by the nearest person.  I walked over to the person I soaked and handed them a bottle of silly string.  He instantly started spraying the girl I set the water soaker next to.  She screamed and picked up the water soaker and started spraying.  My plan was going just how I wanted it to.  She missed him and hit another girl.  I started passing around water guns, silly string and water balloons.  I set buckets filled with water balloons all over the room, and soon enough everyone looked like they were having fun.  I felt water hit my head and run down my back.  I gasped and turned around.  I grabbed the closest water soaker and started spraying Zack.  I started weaving around people and trying to dodge everything that was flying through the air.

I ran outside and a bunch followed me out.  I looked around and saw everyone was having a blast.  I can’t believe we are leaving tomorrow.  I was lifted up and started screaming.  But it wasn’t in a bad way, I started laughing.  Zack ran me down to the lake and threw me in.  But I wasn’t letting him go that easy.  I grabbed his foot, and he fell in with a smack. 

He came up and I said, “This is turning out to be the best day ever.”

“I agree,” he said leaning in and giving me a kiss.

















Sure I had a cast but I could still run.  And the crutches come in handy for self defense.  I was running (or hopping) as fast as I could towards my cabin.  One minute I was eating breakfast the next thing I knew everyone was throwing water balloons, soaking people with water guns and spraying silly string.  This must have been Lexi’s idea.

I ran into my cabin and shut the door, sitting down on my bed.  The door shut and I looked up smiling at Chris.

He walked over to me and sat down.

“We go home tomorrow,” he said looking at the ground.

“I know,” I said looking at him.

“I’m going to miss you Amy,” he said looking up at me.

“I’m going to miss you,” I said taking his hands in mine.

He smiled at me and leaned in to kiss me.

This defiantly was the best day ever.







I chased Will around the whole camp with my secret stash of water balloons filled with paint.  I had successfully hit him in the back at least 3 times.  I threw my last one and it hit him right in the butt.  I fell to the ground laughing.

“Will….your….” I said laughing.  He stopped running and looked where I was pointing.  He flushed a bright red and walked over to me.

“Good shot,” He said trying to stay calm.  I continued laughing, he picked me up bridal style and ran towards the lake.  By now I had stopped laughing.

“No!” I yelled.  But it was too late, he threw me in the lake.  I came back up coughing and sputtering.

“Summer are you okay?” Will asked leaning down.

I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled as hard as I could. 

He continued to fall in the water and when he came up I said, “Never let your guard down.”

He leaned in and kissed me, smiling.

I am gonna hate leaving this heaven.

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