Girls vs. Boys - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I watched Amy and Chris dance, they were so perfect together.  Looking at the clock, I sighed, I was so getting out of here.  I stood up and walked towards the exit.  Shoving past people, I finally reached the door.  Pushing it open the cold air hit my skin sending a chill down my spine.  I walked to my cabin; I still can’t believe Amy dragged me to the dance.  I sat there for an hour hoping Zack would come in. 

I walked into my cabin, kicking off my shoes.  Grabbing some pajamas I headed to the bathroom and changed.  Wiping off all my makeup I then washed my face and walked to my bed.  I pulled the covers over my body and snuggled in.  I let a single tear fall, what was happening to me and Zack?


Sitting up I stretched, I really hate mornings.  I got up and walked to the bathroom, cringing at my reflection in the mirror.  My hair was all tangled and my eyes were bloodshot with bags underneath. 

Summer walked through the door, “Whoa what happened to you?” She asked. 

I sighed, “Rough night.” 

She nodded, “You better get some more sleep.” 

I shook my head, “Can’t.” 

I grabbed the brush and started brushing my hair; if you even want to call it that.  I brushed my teeth and changed before walking out the door.  Today I had riding lessons.  I scheduled one for me and Zack but I don’t think that is such a good idea. 

“Hey Rob,” I said greeting the owner of the stable. 

“Hey Lexi, I was wondering when you were coming back,” he said. 

I smiled, “Do you know who’s giving me lessons today?” I asked. 

He looked at his clipboard, “Seems like you have Danny Wolfe.” 

“Who?” I asked. 

Rob opened his mouth to speak when someone else said, “That would be me.”  I turned around and holy fudge was he hot. 

“Hi, I’m Lexi,” I heard myself say. 

Stretching my hand out he took it and shook, “Danny,” he said. 

I quickly let go of his hand, “So should we begin?” he asked.  I nodded and followed him towards the stable. 

“Do you have a specific horse you want to ride?” he asked. 

I nodded, “My horse Rocky.” 

I walked over to Rocky’s stable, opening the gate.  Walking over to him slowly I lifted my hand for him to smell.  Grabbing a carrot out of my pocket I gave it to him.  He eagerly took the carrot and I smiled rubbing his nose. 

I brought Rocky out here the first time I got here.  The only reason his name is Rocky is because I got him when I was 11 and thought he looked like Rocky rococo Ice cream.  I grabbed the brush and started running it down Rocky’s back.  After brushing him, I put on his blanket, rubbing his head to calm him.  Next I put on the saddle and tightened the girth.  I buckled the girth and then helped the saddle settle by standing in front of Rocky and lifting one of his front legs and stretching it forward.  After repeating with the other leg I gave Rocky another carrot.  After he finished his carrot I put on his bridle and led him out of the stables.  Where the heck did Danny go?  I looked around before spotting him out in the pasture.  Placing my left foot in the stirrup I pushed up, swinging my leg over the cantle of the saddle.  Settling in the saddle, I tapped my heels and Rocky set off at a trot.  Guiding him over to the pasture I pulled him to a stop. 

Watching Danny ride around for a while I got bored so I yelled, “Danny are you done yet?!”  He looked over a little embarrassed.  Turning his horse over this way he slowly made his way to me. 

“Can we go on a trail ride today?” I asked.  Oddly enough I have never gone on a trail ride. 


I smiled, “Come on let’s go!” 

He chuckled lightly and started at a trot towards the trails.  I followed and soon caught up to him, trotting next to him. 

“So how long have you been riding horses?” I asked. 

“Since I was 10,” he said. 

I stared at him, “Are you serious?” 

He nodded, “My father owns a ranch.”  I nodded. 

“I heard there was a dance last night, did you go?” He asked. 

My smile instantly fell, “Only for an hour,” I said. 

“Did you have fun?”  I didn’t answer. 

“Did something happen?”  He asked looking confused. 

“No, it was fun, I just got tired so I went to my cabin early,” I said. 

He stared at me for a second before saying, “Liar.” 

I stayed silent. 

“What happened?” he asked softly. 

“That is none of your business!” I snapped. 

It was quiet, “I’m sorry, It’s just that I waited for my boyfriend to pick me up so we could go to the dance and he didn’t show, so I went to the dance alone hoping he would come but he didn’t,” I said, “I waited for an hour and he never showed up, I still don’t know where he is.” 

I felt a tear roll down my cheek and didn’t bother to wipe it away.  I gently kicked my heels into Rocky signaling him to go faster.  He started galloping and I quickly ducked under a branch that barely missed me.  My vision was blurring by my tears.  I could hear Danny yelling after me but I ignored him. 

Going around corners I had no clue what was coming.  Taking a risk I quickly steered Rocky towards a different trail.  I couldn’t hear Danny anymore so I slowed Rocky down to a trot.  I came across a cliff and stopped Rocky, getting off rocky I led him to a log and tied the rope around a branch sticking up.  I walked over to the cliff and sat down, looking at the sunset I sighed.  What happened to Zack?  I felt my pocket vibrate and reached in my pocket grabbing my phone. 

I flipped it open, “Hello?”  “Lexi!”

Amy said, “Where are you, Rob told me that you were on a trail ride when you ran off.” 

“I’m fine, I’ll be home in an hour,” I said. 

“Ok, be careful,” She said, “Oh and Lexi, Zack wants to talk to you.” 

I heard some shuffling and then Zack said, “Lexi, I’m so sor-“ I hit end.

 I can’t deal with this now. 



“Lexi, I’m so sor-”


“She hung up,” I said looking at Amy. 

“Well what do you think she feels like, you don’t show up at the dance, you aren’t anywhere to be found, and then you try to talk to her, yeah that’s such a good idea!” She yelled. 

“I know,” I said hanging my head. 

“Why did you disappear anyway?” she asked. 

I thought for a moment, Ruby never said I couldn’t tell Lexi’s friends…

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