Girls vs. Boys - Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


After I told Lexi I felt so much better, I didn’t feel like I was hiding anything anymore.

We hugged and I told her that she was my best friend and that I was glad she could remember again.

Then she said, “Now go and find Chris.”

I blushed and rushed out of the cabin, just at that moment I saw him walking out of his cabin. I sprinted as fast as I could and jumped on his back, and we both went to the ground. He rolled over and looked at me in way he had looked at me the first day of camp.

He said, “Amy?” He seemed nervous, yet very deep in thought.

“Yeah Chris?” I said, putting my arms around his neck.

“Do-would you want to go out with me?” he stuttered.

I was in total shock, I could feel a smile growing across my face but I couldn’t say a word.

“Yes! Yes I do!” I nearly squeezed him to death.

Then just as he had done in the bush a long while ago, he smashed his lips down on mine and I swear I heard fireworks!

All of a sudden we heard someone say, “What are you guys doing?” I pulled away and looked behind me, it was Ruby.

“I didn’t know you two were together,” she said.

“Ruby why can’t you mind your own business and go home,” I said in a bored tone.  I could swear I saw a hurt look in her eyes, but it was gone within a second.  She stalked off and I kind of felt bad.  But then again look what she almost did to Zack and Lexi.

I turned back to Chris and hugged him, “So when is the date?” I asked.

“Does tonight work?” he asked.  I nodded and kissed him on the lips before telling him I had to go.

“See you at 7,” He yelled once I was farther away.

I ran to my cabin once he turned around and screamed at the top of my lungs from being so excited. 

Summer and Amy rushed to the door, “What’s wrong?” they asked.

“Nothing, but Chris just asked me out on a date, tonight!” I said jumping up and down.

“That’s great!” they said hugging me.

I looked at the time, it was 4:30.  Crap, I only had two and a half hours to get ready.  I ran to my closet and searched for something cute to wear.  After thirty minutes searching through all of my clothes, I couldn’t find anything!

“Hey Amy, do you need something to wear?” Lexi asked.

“Yes!” I said.  She handed me a knee length strapless green dress.  It had a black with white polka dot bow in the front around the waist. 

I gasped, “It’s beautiful, can I wear it?” I asked.

“No Amy I just handed it to you so you could get jealous,” she said sarcastically.

I jumped up and down and hugged her, “Thank you!”

I ran into the bathroom and slipped it on.  I curled my hair and put on some simple eye shadow before slipping on some black stilettos boots.  By now it was 6:47.  Chris would be here in around thirteen minutes.  I heard a knock on the door and slipped on a black lace cardigan that stopped at my elbows.

I opened the door and smiled at Chris, “Ready?” he asked.  I nodded and yelled a bye before following him.

I was so excited, we were going to the carnival.  By the time we arrived I was literally shaking the car.

When we arrived I immediately grabbed his shaking hand in my own and we walked hang in hand down the boardwalk to the Ferris Wheel. I was so nervous that I accidently dropped my corndog on the person below us.

I looked over to Chris and couldn’t stop thinking that he was perfect, he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“You look beautiful tonight.” He whispered.

I blushed so red I thought my ears were going to burst into flames! I leaned my head onto his shoulder and he kissed my head and put his arm around me. I swore I could have heard angels singing.

After we got off the Ferris wheel we walked hand in hand down the boardwalk taking in the sunset. I gazed into his eyes and then he leaned down and when his lips touched to mine electricity flew through us, I reached my arms around his neck and my foot popped; it was literally the best night of my life.

When it was time to leave we walked to the car, I quickly remembered that I had left my jacket on the bench where we were sitting and I told him I would be right back. As I turned to leave I hadn’t seen the wildly driving car coming straight towards me. The last thing I heard was my own scream and then silence.

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