Girls vs. Boys - Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


It was slowly making its way towards me, I saw its shadow and then…

I screamed, quickly covering my mouth.  I took in the medium sized dog’s image, and started laughing.  It was a caramel brown cocker spaniel.  It walked over to me wagging its tail, I bent down and let it smell my hand before petting it.  It eagerly stretched it head out, and its tail started wagging more. 

Hearing hoofs, I got back into a standing position.  I picked the puppy up and walked cautiously towards the hoofs.  It was getting closer, was it Rocky?  Coming around the corner, I saw Danny, and Chris.  They spotted me and stopped. 

Danny got of his horse and ran over to me, “Lexi!” he said panting hard, “We have been looking everywhere, everyone was getting worried.”

I looked down at my feet, “Sorry.”

“Come on we better get back,” he said. Pulling out something, he quickly talked into it and shoved it back in his pocket. 

Looking back he said, “You coming?”

I quickly nodded, and followed him.  He quickly mounted and I handed him the puppy.  As I got on, the puppy started whining.  Once I got on, I grabbed the puppy from Danny, and it instantly stopped. 

Danny chuckled, “That pup loves you already.”

I watched the puppy as it snuggled into me, laughing quietly.  I grabbed Danny around the waist, trying not to shift the puppy too much.  Danny started his horse off at a trot.  We got back in around 15 minutes.  Getting off, I carefully grabbed the puppy, and walked to my cabin. 

“Thanks Danny!” I yelled over my shoulder.  I walked back to my cabin and set the puppy on my bed before grabbing some pajamas.  Walking to the bathroom I changed and walked back out to see Amy sitting on my bed.  She looked up and I froze, something isn’t right. 

“Lexi-“she started. 

“All campers report to the mess hall,” I heard a voice, I didn’t recognize over the camp loud speaker.  I grabbed my robe and slipped it on before putting on my slippers.  I walked out the door to the mess hall, Amy following slowly behind me.  I walked in and sat down at our table.

After 5 minutes, Ruby came on the stage and shushed everyone. 

Everyone looked up at her, “Okay now that I have your attention, the reason you were called down here, was for a slide show about the camp history,” she said.

“Lexi,” I heard a whisper. 

I ignored it and continued listening, “The camp was founded in 1942 by my grandfather,” she clicked the button to change the slide.

It switched and I swear I stopped breathing, “Oh whoops, how did that get in there,” Ruby said smirking towards me. 

It was a picture of Ruby and Zach, kissing.  I felt the tears threatening to fall.  I covered my mouth and looked at Zach, who was staring at me with wide eyes.  I got up and ran out of the room. 

I ran to the administrative office, bursting through the doors, I said, “Can you arrange a flight for me.”


Throwing my stuff in my suitcase, I zip it close.  The first flight was in an hour and a half, and I was getting on it.  I gathered all my stuff by the car, and opened the trunk.  Throwing my stuff in I heard a door slam.  Summer, Amy, Chris, Will, and Zack came out.

“Lexi, you can’t leave!” Amy said crying.

“It won’t be the same without you!” Summer said.

“Lexi, come on your over reacting,” Chris said.

“It’ll be really boring without you, you’re the life of this crazy party,” Will said.

Zack stood there, staring at me. 

“I’m sorry guys, but I am leaving, and that is the end of it,” I said.  Amy and Summer, hugged me, Chris and Will soon joining in.

“I’m not lying, I will miss, most of you,” I said looking at Zack. 

Looking back at them all I said, “But I need to leave now, this is not goodbye, it’s just, see you later.” 

I hugged them all one last time before going to Zack, holding my hand out, I dropped the necklace he gave me, “Nothing?” 

He stood there looking at the necklace, “Didn’t think so,” I said. 

I walked over to the car and got in, waving to Will, Chris, Amy and Summer as we pulled out. 

I grabbed the picture of me and Zack, and took out a match.  Striking it, I lit the picture on fire and threw it out the window. 

I saw Zack walk forward and pick up the picture, looking it over he looked up finding my eyes.  I held his gaze before we turned around a corner.  I turned back around and plugged in my headphones blasting the music.

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