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Bennett POV:

I wake up, as usual, full of strength and the unbelievable urge to have an adventure. I get out of my bed and put my regular clothes on. I live in a very cramped apartment in Mondstadt. Naturally, it's been troublesome trying to keep a stable living for this apartment, all because of my stupid BAD LUCK problem. No one ever wants to go on adventures with me, because it causes them bad luck. Even so, I don't let that get to me because I know I can still do anything on my own. Even if its way harder this way. Suddenly I hear harsh knocking at my door.

"BENNETT YOU SCOUNDREL!! Someone roars from outside my door.

I jump at the forceful shouting coming from outside my door. I know precisely who is yelling from my door, my landlord. In a rush to get to the door as fast a possible to not irritate her any more than she already is, I bump into a bookshelf making everything fall down on the ground, causing a big bang. I open the door to see her holding a paper in my face.

"Do you see how much money this says? She said in an irritated tone.

"Humm, 2,500 mora Miss Kathryn? I say very confusedly.

Honestly, I didn't know why she needed me at all. The only occasion she really comes and sees me, is if I've done something really bad.

"Precisely, 2,500 mora and do you want to know how much you gave me? Says Miss Kathryn with her voice getting louder each time.

"2,499 mora? I say, knowing that I'm most likely going to get yelled at for saying. Even so, she is the type to get tremendously mad at me if I did a mistake like that.


Wait really, I was 500 mora off? Now that seems very odd. Usually, I wouldn't make mistakes like that. Likewise, Kathryn wouldn't lie to me about something like that, so it must be true.

"REALLY?? I'm so sorry Miss Kathryn. I can't believe I would make such a mistake. I'll get the money as soon as possible" I say while repeatedly bowing.

I swear the more stunts I pull like this the more Kathryn will hate me and so will everyone else. Abruptly, Kathryn moves out of the door frame and guides her hand towards the stairs.

"Well, I guess you better be on your way" She says somewhat annoyed but yet so elegantly, not to mention with a grin on her face.

As soon she practically said leave my apartment until I pay, I dash out the door as fast as possible. I start running towards the Mondstadt gates until I was stopped dead in my tracks by Traveler and Paimon. Obviously, I didn't have time for this and just needed to find a quest as soon as possible but, even so, I still wanted to hear what's so important to stop someone who clearly looks super busy.

"Bennett, WE'RE SO SORRY to interrupt you like this when you look super busy but, we asked everyone and they said that they had something to do and you're all that's left. " Traveler said anxiously.

"Yes, YES we really need help. We have this other quest that is of great urgency but then there is someone in Springvale that reported animals going missing. We were wondering if you could take the Springvale quest for us! Paimon says somewhat commanding.

This sounds like something I would need but, because of where it is I feel like it wouldn't be paying very well...

"Oh, and it's paying very well..huh I think I was...6,000 mora" Traveler said.

6,000 MORA REALLY!?!? This is great! That type of money for the situation I'm in, would be enough to pay for two more months, give the 500 mora I owe Kathryn and I would still have 500 mora just to play around with. Of course, I instantly jump at great this opportunity.

"SURE I WILL GLADLY DO IT! I say with clear enthusiasm my voice.

Traveller and Paimon quickly give me a paper and said their thanks. As soon as they finished they dash off like how I was, before but, even faster.

I quickly put the paper deep into my pocket in fear that I might drop it. Soon after I dash off into the fields like no one's business. However, as soon as I left through the front gates it started raining. What a day this is going to be.....

Razor POV:

I wake up, under a nice and cozy cave with my wolf family, the usual. I was the first to get up, so I went outside and walked around for a bit, but not too far from the cave. Abruptly, the thought that I was the first to wake up went away because I saw Moonlight sitting on the edge of a cliff looking up into the sky. Maybe daydreaming? Moonlight was one of the cubs that I grew up with but, she was younger than me by 3 years. She had dark blue fur with a white gradient on her paws and she had bright blue eyes. I went over and sat right beside her, giving her somewhat of a scare.

"Oh, Razor you are up I see" Moonlight barks with surprise.

"Hi, what Moonlight doing? I ask.

"I was just thinking about the fact that we seem to be getting more food than usual. Most of the time we never get a catch and lately, they've just been coming to us. I find it suspicious" Moonlight barks.

I turn my head in a way to show her that I was confused. Well who wouldn't, I mean why question that we're getting so much food. Even if it a bit odd.

"Moonlight not worry. Be happy food here! I say with a big smile on my face.

Moonlight smiles back at me and nods her head up and down in agreement.

"OK, you're right. We should be happy we've been getting food in the first place" She happily replies.

We start talking about the random stuff in the past and what we might do today. Then we both get up and start walking back to the cave. To our surprise, everyone was up.

"Razor, Moonlight you guys are back did you bring any food? Adolfo said.

Adolfo was the leader of our pack and the strongest out of everyone but, of course not the true master Andrius. He would mostly send me on journeys to get food because they found it faster when I do it. Not to mention he only goes when food is really REALLY low but, because of the circumstances, he hasn't gone for a while. However, when he does stay back he keeps the pack safe and entertains them.

"Uh no, sorry were we suppose to, I thought we enough food for the rest of the day and tomorrow." Moonlight says rather confusedly.

"We had finished a lot of our food last night and it would be great if we got more" He says practically demanding that we go and do it.

"Wants us to go? I ask just to make sure that's what he wants.

"Yes I would love if both you guys went and got more food" Adolfo commands.

Moonlight and I both looked at one another and nodded.

"OK" Moonlight said for both of us.

We both said our goodbyes to the pack and went to our normal hunting area. Our normal hunting area was somewhat still close to Wolvendom but still somewhat close to Springvale. Honestly, I don't find that convenient that we hunt there because we could be easily accused of something we didn't do, like in the past. Both I and Moonlight leave the cave and go in separate directions to find twice the amount of food. I go closer to Springvale while Moonlight goes farther away from Springvale. I start looking around the area scouting things for animals. Suddenly it starts raining like no one's business. I hate it when it rains and I'm on an assignment for food, it means that I cant go back just because it's raining, I still have to move on and finish what I was told to do. Suddenly I see a group of boars conveniently placed in one area. Even though it was suspicious I really wanted to get back to the pack and not linger any longer outside in the rain. So I start running towards the boars, ready to swing my sword with one fatal blow.....

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