•Play•Date•Part 2•

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Bennett POV:

I sprint off in a haste, still worrying Bennett and Klee. Honestly, will they be okay by themselves? Klee is just a child and Razor is well..... He's Razor!! I just have to believe in them and hope that they will listen to my wishes. I finally make it to the gate and run through it. Okay so now we're officially out of Mondstadt. Now on to Wolvendom! Well at least this time it isn't-

Thunderclouds roll in and the drizzle of water bombards my senses.

Raining...Well at least this time it isn't raining..... I let out a big sigh of disappointment and continued running. This happens all the time. I don't know why I'm so surprised. This might take a little bit longer now since I don't want to fall off a cliff or anything running through the muddy and slippery ground. It almost happened to me at least two times. Despite that, I did fall off a cliff once, not a very big one. I was chasing a boar, now that I think about it, it was kind of stupid. It was one of the worst injuries I've ever had.

Anyways, that's besides the point. Since Razor won't be going back to his lupical for some time, I think it would be best if I just got his sword for him right now. Since I'm also going to be right there, I might as well tell his lupical that he's alright. Well, they should obviously be able to communicate to humans since Razor says he can talk to a few of them. This is honestly kind of a risky move though, but, I feel like Razor would appreciate me doing this and I want to make him feel more comfortable while he's with me. I just hope they don't attack me. Him knowing that his lupical knows that he's doing just fine, will obviously put those nerves to rest. Another bonus is that he's going to have his sword back.

I take a lot of pride in what weapon I use and how I use it. I've only stuck to one weapon, the Prototype Rancour. It's just a personal preference but I did give her name. Yeah, it's a she and her name is Mieczysława. Quite unique and long name, but it does mean sword, glory and fame. Well at least something along those lines. My sword is definitely going to be glorious and famous when I become one of the best adventurers! But this isn't about me, let's get a move on, this is going to be quite the trip after all.

The rain had settled down. I had already passed Springvale and was super close to Wolvendom. I've been running this whole time and trying to avoid Hilichurls the best I could, not to mention trying not to fall off of things and break something. I think I'll take a quick 5 minute break. I sit down behind a rock and reach into my bag. At least I brought some water with me and some food- I pulled out a bottle of water but no food? I start scavenging desperately for something to eat. REALLY!? I BROUGHT NO FOOD!? I guess I was so eager to leave that it just slipped my mind. I usually have something like an apple on me but I forgot to put another one in my bag when I gave it to Razor. I rest my head back against the rock and sigh.

"I guess water is just going to have to do for now." I twist the water bottle cap open. " I can just find something along the way and eat that."I start chugging the water down as if I haven't drank in a whole week.

Try reading this part with the music in this video:

I gasped for air as I pulled the bottle out of my mouth. Sheesh I probably could have drowned just now. I let out a slight chuckle under my breath. Suddenly I hear a loud chanting coming from behind me. Huh? It sounds like Hilichurls? I peek my head out from behind the rock and notice that there is a Hilichurls camp not far at all from me. Wow I'm surprised I didn't notice them. I better get a move on. I'm not here to try to fight with some Hilichurls. I don't fight camps unless they're really small ones and they're still pretty dangerous even if they're small, they always end up calling for backup. Well I don't fight them alone at least...

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