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Razor POV:

This taste is...OUTSTANDING! So these are one of the varieties of dishes you can cook with meat. I would have never thought Bennett was this good at cooking!

"This tastes really good!" My eyes glow with admiration" I never knew Bennett cooked so well" I finally put the burger down.

Bennett's face goes glum. Eyeing down his food as if it did him wrong. He clearly didn't like something. What's there to be upset about. This is amazing, how can you be upset while eating something like this!?

"Sigh" Bennett finishes the last bite of his burger "Sorry that this has to be your first meal in Mondstadt. Trust me if you were to try some of Barabra's cooking for example. You would be in love." Bennett gets up from his seat and walks to the sink with his dishes in his hands.

I continue eating my burger and finish soon after. Bennett was now sitting on the couch. He was waiting for me. I'm actually surprised that Bennett finished before me. When I get really hungry I eat like no one's business. Then again he didn't eat anything for a longer period of time. He also had to carry me on his back all the way back here. He had to help me with my hair and he had to make food for the both of us. Well, when you really think about it, it makes a lot more sense.

I sit on the couch anxiously waiting on what we're going to do next. Oh, right he said we could go to the Cathedral! Bennett looked like he had something on his mind. He didn't even give me so much as a glance as I sat beside him. He had the TV doing its TV things but my main focus was him. He wasn't looking at the TV, he was looking at the ceiling, daydreaming.

"Hey, Bennett?" I try to get his attention.

No response...

"BENNETT!" I shout refusing to be ignored.

Bennett jolts his way back to reality.

"WOAH WHAT!?" Bennett frantically looks around the room as if he wasn't in HIS own house."Oh, sorry about that..." Bennett looks me dead in the eyes like I had the answer."I just have a feeling that I'm forgetting something-" Bennett freezes in the middle of his sentence, eyes still locked on me.

Is he really ok? He looks like a hawk staring down their prey. Is something that important?

"THE MORA" Bennett grabs my shoulders and starts shaking me repeatedly."I FORGOT TO GIVE KATHRYNN MY RENT MORA, IT'S ALREADY THE AFTERNOON!" Bennett starts shaking me harder.

"Woah calm down Bennett" I slowly removed his hands off my shoulders. I grab his face and keep it centred on my face."Everything be fine. You said Kathrynn very nice to you. I think if you tell what happened she will understand." I try my best to calm him down.

"Ah, thanks Razor. You're right I can just-" Bennett gets cut off by the door forcefully being banged on.

I immediately turn my attention to the door then back to Bennett. Right away, his face turns pale as white snow. Was it Kahrynn at the door?

"Ah if that Kathrynn you can just-" Bennett cuts me off as he removes my hands off his face.

"No, it's not Kathrynn...That's why I'm confused" Bennett raises up and slowly creeps to the door. "Normally I don't get people I don't recognize at my door. I can recognize people by the way they knock and how they address themself when knocking. I don't recognize this one..."

Bennett POV:

I gently put my key in the keyhole and turn the doorknob. I creak open the door just enough for me to see the person outside but they can't see me. Well, I hope so. This guy didn't look like someone from Mondstadt. He didn't have any of the clothing we wear and he didn't look familiar. I know just about everyone in Mondstadt and this guy sticks out like a shore thumb. I would have definitely noticed him before. He was wearing a type of adventure clothing. They looked kind of like it was from Mondstadt. He had a lot of dark purple gems all over his clothing. His hair was white but had purple-dyed at the bottom of his hair. Getting a good look at him I can tell that he really likes purple. If I'm being honest I've got to say that he's pretty handsome and intimidating. I notice that he has a sheet of paper in his hand. I can't make out what it says. His eyes were the darkest shade of brown, it almost made his eyes look pitch black. His attention that was facing the door suddenly shifts onto my gaze. GAH! I didn't think he could see me!? I slam the door out of sheer embarrassment. What the heack am I doing?? All the guy was doing was probably asking for some advice. It's not my fault when you look that scary, who wouldn't be nervous? Suddenly, the knocking starts again, much more forceful this time.

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