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Bennett POV:

I could feel my heart beating faster as anxiety rolled in. Why is the door open? Did I forget to lock the door when I left? No, that can't be, I was so scared for their well-being that I locked the door and went back to check it 3 times! Did someone break in!? No again, that doesn't make sense either! They would have been at least damaged from someone trying to break in....unless...THEY OPENED THE DOOR FOR SOMEONE!

"Yo Bennett guy, are you-" Before Spark could finish her sentence I barged into the house at full speed.

I gripped onto my sword tightly, ready to fight anyone causing harm to the ones I care about. I barged in and stopped in the middle of the hallway... Everything's in place and nothing seems to be out of order... Huh..? Maybe I did leave the door open and they're just asleep. The house was dead silent, making me even more paranoid.

"Klee? Razor? I'm back, I'm sorry that I'm a bit late and might have spooked you..."I shout loud enough for anyone in the apartment to hear.

No response!? Maybe they are asleep.... I should go check the couch and my bed- Suddenly, loud footsteps charge towards me. Wait, is that Razor? Razor dashes out from the kitchen corner. He leaps towards me without hesitation.

"WAH!? RAZOR WAIT-"Before I could finish, Razor was already on top of me.

My feet became unstable at the unexpected weight tossed at me and before I knew it, I was already on the ground and Razor was directly above me.

"Razor, what are you-"Razor cuts me off with a big hug.

"Why Bennett gone for so long" Razor caresses his cheek against mine "Bennett said was going to be back at 7 but it almost 10..." He lifts his head, giving me puppy eyes.

What's going on.....WHAT GOING ON!? I want to explain myself to him so bad right now, but the words just aren't coming out. I'm too distracted by his cuteness! Blood rushes to my face, instantly turning me into a tomato.

"R-Ra-Razor I-I c-can-" Someone's voice cuts me off.

"What's with all the racket?" They yawn.

Wait a minute... I definitely recognize that voice. Wait, is that Barbara!?

"Hold on Razor, I'm going to answer you in just a minute" I slightly nudged Razor off of me.

"Barbara! W- what are you doing here!? Actually, how are you here? I thought you were busy?" I slowly get up.

"Bennett...?" She yawns while stretching again. Out of the blue, a bolt of energy strikes her. "BENNETT!!"She starts stomping towards me, clearly upset about something.

I think I have a feeling I know what this is about....

"What do you think you're doing leaving Klee, an 8-year child, and Razor, someone who doesn't comprehend how to function most of the things here; HOME ALONE!?" Barbara says, speaking too fast to the point where I can't understand her.

"Hum...well I had a pretty reasonable reason-"A loud screech cuts me off.

I swear everyone and everything is cutting me off today... Barbara and I turn towards the door to see Razor trying to catch something in his mouth.

"Razor what are you-" Realization kicks in and panics somewhat rises.

Oh, snap, I forgot about Spark!

"BENNETT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HELP ME! THIS WILD BEAST IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" Sparks screams while hopping towards me at full speed.

Before I could even utter a word, Razor leaps towards Spark and catches her in his mouth.

LOVING YOU • Genshin Impact • Bennett x RazorWhere stories live. Discover now