•Play•Date•Part 1•

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Razor POV:

Great, we're finally at Bennett's house! Klee has been talking my ears off, but at least she was talking so the walk wasn't boring. Even though Barbara said I don't need the crutch it still was pretty helpful. Although I didn't really like it, it didn't hurt as much when I walked with it. I prefer discomfort over pain, I think most do. Now we also have Klee here too, it's not a problem. I just hope she doesn't set anything off and burn everything to the ground.

"Okay guys, I think there's everything you guys need to keep yourself entertained and other essentials". Bennett put his key into the keyhole."Sorry that I have to leave you guys like this but, it's very important and it won't be too long...I hope" The door clicks open.

Wait, where is Bennett going? He's leaving us all alone? For what?

" Bennett, where you going?"I ask as he pushes the door open.

"I can't tell you just yet, it's going to be a surprise". Bennett walks inside and points to something circular on the wall.

It has a bunch of numbers inside of it. I don't know why but they're there. It also has long stick-like thingies inside of it. The stick-like thingies seem to move on their own time, one goes pretty fast around all the other numbers but the other one is really slow. I wonder what that is... Klee and I follow behind Bennett into the house.

" Okay Razor, you're going to be in charge for 3 hours. This is a clock okay? On a clock, you call these hands" Bennett points to one of the stick-like thingies inside the clock.

Wait, how are they meant to be hands? I thought humans had hands? Does that mean clocks have them too...okay?

"See how the long hand is pointing to the 4 right here?" Bennett waits for my answer to which I shake my head up and down to."Great, now all you have to do is wait until this long hand ends up pointing to the 7 over here."Bennett points to the 7.

I tilt my head blatantly confused. Bennett notices my expression and lets out a soft sigh.

" Okay, I guess you both are going to have to take care of each other." Bennett turns to Klee. " Klee you can't be reckless in the house and don't set anything on fire, please. That means don't be running around and throwing things. Also do not go near the kitchen stove. As a matter of fact, how about you just don't go to the kitchen unless you're going to the fridge to get some food." Bennett shifts his attention to me. "The exact same thing goes for you too, Razor. Even though you're theoretically older than Klee, some things you just don't understand. I don't want you to get hurt because of that. When I get back it'll be worth the wait, don't worry!" Bennett grins.

"What to do while we wait?" I ask.

"Do anything. You can play with Klee, draw, read or if you want to try again, watch TV" Bennett responds and starts walking to the door.

"So basically, this is a playdate with Razor!?" Klee jumps up and down ecstatically. .

"Well, if you want to take it that way, yes it kind of is" Bennett opens the door again and steps outside. "Well bye, see you guys at 7." Bennett closes the door and stops in his tracks. "And don't open the door for anyone...You will know it's me because I can open the door by myself without having to knock. Well, that's everything I will be on my way now bye" Bennett closes the door behind him.

I think I heard him say something as he was closing the door but I was still too confused about what was even happening. Bennett was right here and then the next second he's gone, how does that even happen!? Well, then again I do the same thing a lot too with Moonlight. I hope she isn't too worried about me. Matter of fact I hope all of lupical isn't worried. I don't want them to stress about me like how they sometimes would. I wish I had a way of telling them that I was okay without having to go that far on foot. When I get to see them again, I'm going to give them the surprise of a lifetime with the biggest, juiciest, boar I can find! Even so, I hope they're doing alright in general.

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