•Play•Date•Part 3•

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Razor POV:

"What do we do!?" Panic slowly starts to rise.

"Don't w-worry Razor!" Klee pats my head in reassurance.

The person at the door continues knocking.

"Helloooo? Don't you recognize me? Are you not home?" The person shouts and finally stops knocking on the door "I didn't think you would be anywhere at this time. I thought you'd be home since you had Razor and Klee with you... " They mumble to themselves.

Wait a minute... This person sounds familiar...wait is that-

"Ok, I guess I'll just take my leave..." The sound of footsteps starts leaving from the front door.

"WAIT DON'T LEAVE" Klee sprints out from underneath the table.

Before I knew it, Klee was already at the door. She started clicking and turning at something on the door. What is she doing!? Bennett specifically told us not to open the door!

"Klee, won't Bennett be mad?" I start creeping out from underneath the table "Bennett said not open door"

Klee ignores my worries and continues opening the door. Wow, rude much...?

"Come on Razor, you don't recognize her" Klee swings the door open showing who's on the other side. "It's Barbara, silly".

Oh, so it was just Barbara. It sounded like her, but I wasn't fully sure. I was panicking for nothing then.

"Bennett said not to open door, even if it someone we know" I start walking to the door.

"WELP, there's nothing we can do about it now that we've already opened the door." Klee giggles.

"YOU opened door" I snapped back.

"Anyway, that's besides the point now" Klee turns her attention to Barbara. "Hi Barbara, why are you here? I thought you said you had work to do?".

"Well...The work that I needed to do was taken off my hands and now I have nothing to do really. So I just came by to make sure everyone is okay. You know, since that bandit is still running around..." Barbara fidgets with something behind her back.

"Anddd? I know for a fact that it isn't the only reason is it?" Klee entices her to continue.

"Sigh...Since I know Bennett isn't the best cook and you would obviously need something to eat, I was going to come by and just give you guys some food". Barbara's face turns red looking super embarrassed.

YAY MORE FOOD!? That's something I can look forward to!

"By the way, where is Bennett? Since you guys were here the whole time, why didn't you come to the door fast or at least respond back?" Barbara suspiciously questions.

"Bennett left to do something. He's going to be back when clock hits 7"

"Wait, he left you both alone here!? When did he leave?" Barbara shouts.

"He left at 4," Klee says.

"He was planning on leaving you guys alone here for 3 HOURS!?" Barbara shouts as she walks inside the house "Well that's that, I'm staying with you guys until Bennett comes back. Not to mention, when he does come back, he's going to get it from me! I can't believe he's already left you guys here for an hour!" Barbara escorts herself in.

Klee and I both look at each other confused.

"Why so important?" I scratch my head.

"It's so important because you guys don't have the right mindset to be home alone. Take for example the fact that you guys just opened the door for someone you probably weren't fully aware you knew. Not to mention it was someone who didn't even address who they were. Even if they addressed themselves you still shouldn't open the door. " Barbara clenches her hand.

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