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(Just a bit fruity here  ( ✪ワ✪)ノʸᵉᵃʰᵎ)

Barbara POV:

"So, 3.50 Mora for two? Ok here." I hand the ice cream vendor the last of the Mora.

"Thank you Miss, your ice cream will be right with you" the server responds, taking the money.

"YAY, THANKS FOR THE ICE CREAM BARBARA!" Klee jumps up and down ecstatically.

"Sheesh calm down, it's just ice cream, nothing special..." Fischl grunts, crossing her arms and turning her nose up from the ice cream stand.

"Yeah right, says you Fischl, I know you love ice cream. That's why I already got you a strawberry ice cream." I turn around handing Fischl a cup filled to the brim with Strawberry ice cream.

Fischl doesn't hesitate to take the ice cream as her face turns pink.

"Thank you, even though I dislike ice cream, I will still eat it seeing as thou have arduously brought it forth for me.." Fischl turns her head as she proceeds to lick at the ice cream.

"Don't worry, I know you love ice cream and I have no problem getting it for you whenever you want." I chuckle as I hand Klee a large bowl of birthday cake flavored ice cream.

"HEHEH" Klee giggles before shoving a big scoop of ice cream in her mouth. She immediately clenches her head "AGH, brain freeze...but so worth it..."

"Oz, Spark, do you guys want any?" I questioned.

"Are you trying to kill me? Those may not be toxic to bunnies but they are toxic to me! Last time I tried ice cream my stomach turned inside out!" Spark snaps at me.

"Ok then, so that's a no, Oz, how about you?" I look at Oz.

"None for me either, I'm lactose intolerant" Oz responds.

"Well, ok then, I guess I will just get Razor and Bennett's share of ice cream" I scan the vendor's options of ice cream. "Bennett usually gets plain vanilla all the time and Razor should be fine with anything....I hope".

Hummm, which one would be the best for them to try...? Something flavourful and eye-catching, not to mention memorable. I take another look at the ice cream menu and finally see the perfect option.

"Can I get two bowls of the Rainbow Deluxe ice cream? Thanks" I hand the vendor another 3.50 Mora.

"Sigh Barbara..." Fischl says under her breath.

"Thank you again, will this be all?" The vendor questions.

"Hehe, Oh! I almost forgot one for myself, when we get these ones, let's go straight back to Bennett's apartment. We don't want these to melt". I turn around, announcing to everyone.

"Ok!" They all respond back.

"Sorry, yes, I would like to add one more thing. Could I have a large pistachio ice cream?" I asked, handing the server 1.75 Mora.

"EWW PISTACHIO ICE CREAM!??" Everyone shouts in unison.

"Is this really what you guys choose to question about me...?" I let out a sigh "Let's just get back as soon as possible".

Bennett POV:

The space between Razor and I gets narrower as I feel my heart beating faster and faster. Razor closes his eyes and leans in. Before I knew it, Razor places lips on mine. My eyes widen in shock as my heart beats out of my chest. It's about to explode out of me! My body tenses up... Different flavours enter my mouth all at once. I feel his breath enter my mouth, making my lips quiver and my stomach flutter. H-he's kissing me!? Upon opening his eyes, Razor parts his lips away from mine, seeming too embarrassed to make eye contact. It finally hits me, RAZOR JUST KISSED ME!? WE JUST KISSED!? THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS! I-I... My face turns the brightest of reds. I immediately shove my face in my hands and hyperventilate. It felt as if my hands were about to start burning from all the heat coming off my face!

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