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Bennett POV:

"Soooo, Razor, maybe we should go sit down and talk about this...?" I nervously asked.

"About...what?" Razor responds.

"Don't worry about it, we're going to talk about it um well- very soon, just go sit down, haha..."I dejectedly pointed to the table.

"Okay!"Razor skips back to the table and sits down.

I begin pacing around the kitchen once more. Dang it, how can I find a way to say this without sounding like a total jerk?! I slightly glanced over to my bedroom door and saw Spark peeping out of the door looking at me.

"Come on, you can do this..!" Spark whispers just enough for me to hear.

"You actually think I can do this..!?" I whisper back.

"Of course I don't, what the heck!? I just want a good show to watch, your room is pretty boring. You weren't even hiding any nasty things under your bed! So boring-" Spark whispers.


"Ehr, Benny ok?"Razor asks, confused.

I cover my mouth, realizing that I wasn't whispering. Sparks lets out an evil grin before disappearing into my bedroom once more. GRRRR, that bunny!

"Haha, y-yeah I'm good, I'll be right there" I start hastily walking over to Razor.

Ok, so there are three ways this can end off. First, I tell him and he understands why I took so long to tell him. Second....he hates me forever and I never see him again. Last of all, he tries to kill me. ALL OF THOSE SOUND HORRIBLE! Sigh, well, I'm just going to have to tell him either way. I make my way over to the table, taking a seat across from Razor.

"What Benny want to talk about very seriously?"Razor puts his chin on the table.

"Okay... Razor, so, on the day when I went and got your sword, I saw something I should have told you and I'm sorry for not telling you right away." I let out a big sigh, preparing myself to tell him everything. "To tell you straightforwardly, when I picked up Spark and was trying to find your Sword, it wasn't where you left it originally, so I ended up looking for your lupical instead. I was planning on telling them that you were okay and that they can rest easy. Even so, when I eventually found the place, something terrible seemed to have happened. There was a lot of blood everywhere, claw marks all over and there were even fangs laying on the ground. I-I don't know what happened or how a place where wolves live should normally look like, but I didn't think it was a good thing. It looked like a big fight happened and-" Suddenly Razor interrupted.

"HOW DOES BENNETT KNOW IT RAZOR'S LUPICAL?!" Razor snaps at me, slamming his hands on the table.

I flinch at his unexpected actions and hang my head down low, avoiding eye contact. Damn it- I-I knew this was how it was going to go. I can't stop now, I have to continue from here......

"Well, you came from that same direction and it looked like the closest place for your lupical to live. Then I found your sword there and that choker." I make eye contact with Razor who looks completely enraged but also about to cry. "Ah- I'm really sorry for not telling you sooner about something like this. I know you care deeply about your lupical and I should have told you right away when I saw all of that. B-But don't worry I'm pretty sure that-"

"DO NOT WORRY!? HOW BENNETT CAN SAY SUCH THING?!"Razor forcefully pushes himself out from his seat, launching the chair behind him. "Razor going to look for lupical!" Razor looks at me dead in the eyes and starts storming off to the door.

LOVING YOU • Genshin Impact • Bennett x RazorWhere stories live. Discover now