•Taking•care•of•a•Razor•Part 2•

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Bennett POV:

The sizzling of the patty cooking fills the room both in sound and smell. I can't cook so I depend on one singular meal that is so easy to make. Absolutely anyone can make this meal. Teyvat Fried Eggs. Even so, I usually do treat myself with one different meal from my cookbook once a week. Barbara is so kind that sometimes she would make me a meal because she's amazing at cooking. She also knows that I can't cook for my life. Even when I'm following the cooking book I can still mess up poorly. Today is one of those days where I'm making a special meal from my cooking book. Razor seems like someone who has a big appetite so I wanted to go with something big. I decided to tackle the "Golden Chicken Burger''. The picture they showed for the "Golden Chicken Burger'' made it look really big and appetizing. It would most definitely be enough to fill both of us up since we both haven't eaten since yesterday. Not to mention, it's the afternoon now. I had already done flipping my first patty so now I just have to wait for this side to cook. I have buns and other ingredients for the burger on the table ready to be put all together. I grab my spatula and gently lift up one of the patties and look on its other side.

"This side looks good enough" I put the patty back down and bring the pan with the patties inside over to the table. I put both patties on their respective burger buns. I put the pan back on the stove to cool down. "So, I guess I'm done!" I stretch my back satisfied with the results.

Now that I think about it, Razor should have called me by now for help. These do take quite a while to make; he should have called me at least halfway. I should go check on him to make sure he's okay. I walk to the bathroom door while wiping my hands off with a towel. I place the towel on a nearby rack and start knocking on the door.

"Razor are you ok? Do you still need my help with your hair?" To which I don't get a reply.

My heart commences beating faster at the thought of Razor hurt again. OH NO! What if he fell down and I just didn't hear it!?

"Razor!?" I shout louder just in case he hadn't heard me."RAZOR ARE OK!?" I barge into the bathroom.

I see Razor sitting in the bathtub with his head hunched over the edge of the tub. The water all the way up to his chest.

"RAZOR-"I get cut off by Razor as he begins mumbling something.

"What...all the noise?" Razor groans and lifts up his head slowly and turns towards me.

I sprint over to Razor. I mean if he hit his head he might not remember where he is.

"Are you ok!? Do you know who I am or where you are!?" I start shaking him, getting his full attention.

Razor's face fills with red. He averts his eyes from mine.

"Hum...Why are you worried. I just...sleeping..." Razor pulls his legs closer to his chest. "Did Bennett...need something?" Razor quickly hides his face in his knees.

He asks me if I need something, really. He's the one that made me worry by not responding back to me! I know for a fact that I was yelling loud enough for him to hear me. I mean is he really that big of a deep sleeper? For someone who has been living in the wild for most of his life, you'd think you'd be more sensitive to certain sounds, like yelling.

"I thought you were hurt or something. I was calling to you but I got no response." I stand up forcefully "I was already done making the food at that point and found it weird that you weren't done or even called me" I start rubbing my forehead.

Razor looks at his hands that were holding his legs together.

Razor POV:

This felt somewhat awkward...I know he is just worried about me, but I do find it somewhat unnatural that he's talking to me as if I wasn't in a bathtub naked...I mean it shouldn't be that different from when I go into the river with my lupical to clean ourselves. The only way to clean yourself properly is when you're naked but that didn't feel weird or anything with my lupical. It's my family so it shouldn't. My heart felt like it was skipping beats just from him being here. The only reason this happened was because I accidentally dozed off. I didn't think it was going to be that long that he would already be done with the food. The water just felt so nice and warm that I just wanted to relax in it.

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