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"How dare you step foot back here?!" Fischl remarks, pulling out her bow, prepping an arrow directly towards him.

"Woah, woah now, I haven't even done anything yet, don't get your panties in a twist." Yinzala pulls back his hood, revealing his vile grin.

HE'S BACK ALREADY!? I didn't think he'd be back here this fast... Could he have already made another one of those element-stealing chokers!? I pull out my sword stepping into a fighting stance. Everyone else follows as they all pull out their weapons ready for a fight.

"Geez, I just walked in and you're all ready to kill me. Don't worry though, I'm not here for a fight, I'm just here for two things" Yinzala continues walking closer without a care in the world.


Yinzala grins, as he continues walking. Jean, gritting her teeth, charges at Yinzala, her sword ready to attack.

"Ugh, I said I'm not here to fight, but I guess I'm just going to have to make this quick". Yinzala grins, running directly towards Jean, not caring for the sword charging straight at him.

Jean, reaching Yinzala, thrusts her sword towards his chest. Instantaneously, Yinzala leaps up, steps on Jean's sword like a catapult and jumps over Jean's head.

"Ha! Too slow, idiot!" Yinzala runs past all of us in the blink of an eye, directly towards Klee.

"HEY, GET AWAY FROM-" I shout before Yinzala grabs Klee and puts her in a chokehold.

"Well, you won't be needing this," Yinzala grabs Klee's catalyst and throws it on the floor.

"Seeing as I have this little girl, I'm sure you'll think twice about attacking me now, right? ~"

"LET GO OF ME!" Klee shouts, squirming around, trying to get out of his grip.

"Sigh, you all have such big mouths." Yinzala groans before pulling out a long dagger, pressing it right against Klee's throat. "Hey, if you stop fighting, I won't cut ya neck".

"WAH!" Klee stops moving in fear as Yinzala pushes the knife deeper and deeper into her neck. Klee's face turns red and she starts crying.

Begrudgingly, we all lower our weapons. Disgusting, taking a kid hostage!? I want to put an end to this right now, but I can't risk Klee getting hurt.. I swear if he hurts Klee like how Razor got hurt...

"Well great, now she's crying..." Yinzala rolls his eyes.

"DARE hurt a hair on her head and I'll make sure you won't have a head of your OWN!" Fischl shouts, not in her normal tongue of speaking.

"Why are you even doing this?!" Barbara spouts.

"Humm...You all already know the answer to that, don't you? I mean, after all, you hit it right on the nail when you first interrogated me. Then again, I didn't give you the full scenario for why I needed all these elements, seeing as I wasn't trying to give myself away." Yinzala slightly giggles, as if he's having fun.

"Explain, why are you taking these elements and did you make another one of those chokers?" Jeans shouts.

"Well, I see no harm in explaining it now." Yinzala clears his throat "See, I was kicked out of the Fatui, for reasons I'd rather not disclose. However, I was given a chance to be accepted back if I were to do a particularly difficult assignment. No one wanted to do this assignment with its level of difficulty, but that's why I took it. I had to do my best to show that I can't just be tossed aside. As you could have guessed, the assignment was to make an element stealing choker that could also render it possible for you to use the stolen elements. They provided me with most of the materials to make the choker before kicking me out, of course. The materials given were difficult to acquire because it takes a lifetime for the materials to grow back. The choker you people broke was supposed to be the finished product. But you guys only broke it, and broken things can be fixed. It's not like you fully disposed of it or put it far from my reach. So, I took most of the broken shards after blowing up that Tavern. It also showed me that what I had made wasn't good enough. If some little girl could easily break it with one toss, it clearly wasn't up to par. I had to make sure everything was perfect. Only the best will let me back into the Fatui. Luckily for me, what you guys broke was quite easy to fix, and that's why you see it back here so soon. I was able to get all the other elements back from a few other people. Now all I'm missing is one...more...element..." Yinzala swiftly lowers his dagger, reaching into his pocket and pulls out another choker, placing it around Klee's neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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