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"Lina!" Jaehyun shouted from his car.

She called him after the conversation with Chan.

"Can we talk?" She asked after getting in.

Jaehyun nodded, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I'll try to forget about Chan."

"That was fast."

Lina shook her head. "I realized how selfish I was. Seeing the way Chan talked about Sooah made me realize."

"Good to know." Jaehyun replied.

"But Jaehyun, I don't think I can love anyone else, not even you, my own soulmate."

"You think I can love anyone else other than Sooah?"

"Because you said that, I guess no?"

"Exactly. Lina, I'm sorry. I'd rather spend my life alone without a soulmate rather than being with someone I don't love." Jaehyun explained.

"You... said everything I wanted to say." Lina replied.

"So I guess we're even." Jaehyun said.

Lina nodded. "Maybe this isn't the place for me, I should probably come back to Australia to forget about Chan and to stay away from everyone."

"If that's best for you, then you should go."

"What about you?" Lina asked.

Jaehyun shrugged. "I'll figure something out, it's not like it's the end just because Sooah chooses Chan."

"How do you know she chose Chan?"

His eyes furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Chan clearly said that he wants to be with Sooah, did Sooah say anything about wanting to be with Chan?"

"I don't think so... I've been distancing myself from her."

"I don't want Chan to get hurt, again."


"Sooah, let's eat dinner!" Roeun shouted from outside his sister's room.

"I'll eat later!" She shouted back, busy staring at the ceiling.

"Everything is all over the place after Lina came back. Everything sucks." Sooah sighed.

Then, her phone dinged. A message from Jaehyun appeared.

"Can we meet?"
~ Jaehyun

"Sure, where?"
~ Sooah

"Taeil's restaurant, I'll be there in 15 minutes"
~ Jaehyun

Sooah stood up and got ready before grabbing her bag and walking down the stairs, trying to avoid Soohun so he wouldn't question her. Didn't work though.

"Where are you going?"

She stopped her tracks and turned around to face Soohun.

"I'm meeting Jaehyun, I'll be back soon." Sooah quickly unlocked the door and got into her car.

She drove to Taeil's restaurant, following her GPS because she never remembers the way. After getting lost a few times she finally arrived and spotted Jaehyun sitting at their usual seat already.

Sooah walked in and greeted Taeil who was busy making coffee.

"Did you wait long?" She asked Jaehyun after taking a seat.

He shook his head. "I just got here."

"Oh... what did you want to talk about?" She asked.

Jaehyun took a deep breath, confusing Sooah. "I wanted to say goodbye and sorry."

"What? What do you mean?" She furrowed her brows and Jaehyun's words.

"I can't see you anymore, it will just make things harder." He said.

"Is it because of Chan? We can still be friends, Jaehyun."

"So you chose Chan?"

Sooah looked down and sighed, before looking back up at Jaehyun and nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry, Jaehyun."

"It's oky, I understand. As long as you're happy. But..."

"But what?"

"I can't love anyone else other than you, that's why I'm leaving, I can't force myself to love Lina." Jaehyun replied.

"Then what's going to happen to the two of you?"

"She move on and forget Chan, I'll try to move on and forget you. Lina is going back to Australia."

"And what about you?"

"I'm also going to leave, to somewhere far away." Jaehyun smiled and stood up, tears starting to fall out of his eyes.
"Before I go, I just wanted to say that I'm thankful I had you in my life, I wish you happiness. I hope we get to meet again someday in the future and maybe, we can be soulmates in another life. Goodbye and thank you, Lee Sooah."

By now, Sooah is bawling her eyes out. "Thank you so much, Jaehyun. I'll miss you. Thank you for everything, I won't forget you. Take care, goodbye Jaehyun."

She gave him one last hug, sobbing onto his chest before letting go. Jaehyun walked away and waved with a warm smile,

And that was the last time Sooah saw Jaehyun.

She couldn't stop crying, luckily no one else was around. Sometimes, some people are just not meant to be, right?

"Jaehyun loves you a lot, that's why he let you go." Taeil walked up to her, offering a glass of water.

"I hate myself for hurting him." Sooah said.

"And he hates himself for leaving you, I'm sure. But it's for the best. Life goes on, Sooah."


Jaehyun took one last look at Sooah, he smiled to himself and started walking home. On the way, he took his phone out to text Chan a message.

"Take care of Sooah, okay?"

Chan received the message and stared at it in confusion, although he kind of guessed what probably happened.

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