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"Chan is the worst I just wanna punch him right in the face." Sooah ranted to Kyora.

"Good thing he isn't an asshole to you." She retorted back.

"Isn't an asshole? Yeah definitely not one." Sooah rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"Wait until you find out what Lee Minho did to me." Kyora replied.

"Okay, you've kept me waiting for too long. What did that kid do to you?"

"I'll tell you ano-"

"Tell me what he did or I'm punching him in the face." She gritted her teeth.

Kyora sighed in defeat. "Fine. I would love to have you punch him but I don't want you to get in trouble. Anyway, before me and him turned seventeen, I had the biggest crush on him. It wasn't just a secret admirer thing where I watched him from afar, I actually gave him some gifts and make him some lunch once in awhile. At first, he didn't seem to mind and was thankful."

"But as time passed by, he got annoyed by me. He said he didn't want me to give him anything else but to leave him alone. I tried. But I couldn't help but just keep on running back to him." She sighed before continuing.

"Then, his birthday came. He turned seventeen a year before I did— he's a senior anyway. His initials were 'P.K.R', I had my hopes high but didn't want to keep it too high since there's Park Kangree in his class, Park Kyungjae in our class and so on. Then, a year later, I turned seventeen."

Guess what's on my wrist, 'L.M.H". My hopes were so high, I ran up to him with a bottle of soda and purposely hit my hand with his. Then, the entire finding out your soulmate happened— you know, when two soulmates' hands come in contact they sting? Yeah, that." Kyora explained.


"Then, he completely got furious. He said that he hated me so much and he didn't want us to be together. He even grabbed the bottle from my hand and poured it on me. The following days whenever I tried to talk to him, he would always ignore or say mean things to me, until I finally stopped talking to him completely." She finished.

"I wish he knew how much I cried that night after finding out that we were soulmates, I was so hurt. He hurts me so much." Kyora let a tear slip out her right eye.

"I hurt her that much?" Minho asked behind Sooah and Kyora's classroom door which was slightly opened. He was assigned to stick some announcements on the classroom's wall when he heard the two and decided to eavesdrop, instantly feeling bad after hearing how hurt Kyora sounded.

He gathered his courage and pushed open the door, acting like he didn't hear anything and stuck some papers onto the wall titled "study tour."

"What's that?" Sooah questioned.

"Study tour. Your class and our class will be going together. Mister Kang will explain more soon." Minho replied before quickly walking out.

"Wait Lee Minho-" she stood up, ready to throw a punch at the boy.

"Sooah, no. Don't you dare hurt him." Kyora whispered and pulled her best friend back.

Minho looked at them weirdly before walking out. He heard what Kyora said. Was he really that bad to her?

"So, you coming?" Sooah asked, scanning the papers in the empty classroom since everyone was outside except for the two.
"It says we will be going to the old JYP building which operated in the 2000s."

"JYP building, JYP entertainment? Why the old one though? We could just go to the new one."

"It's for history class, of course mister Kang wants an old and abandoned place."

"You're right. But Minho is coming and I don't want to see him." Kyora huffed.

"You see him everyday?"

"Yeah but like we'll spend the entire day there together and I'll be stuck looking at him, no thanks."


"Alright, everyone. Listen up." Mister Kang exclaimed in front of all the fifty students of class eleven and twelve combined.

"We will be going on a study tour as most of you know. We will only spend a day there, arrive in the morning and come back in the afternoon. The place we will he going to is the JYP building. The old one to be exact. It has not operated since the year 2120 since they moved into another building but I got access to it so do not worry."

"We will be looking at all the different groups that debuted under the label. Some groups I found after searching online was 2PM, Got7, Twice, Stray Kids, ITZY and I believe they had more groups."

"Next, we will see the practice, recording rooms and all that. We will also learn about their history and some things about their artists. I want you all to bring your notebooks and pens to take down notes and you all will have to make a report about your findings."

Sorry for not updating yesterday :( I was quite busy. I also just made an instagram account @/onedoy_ and I really want to talk to you guys there! And I also want to thank you all so much for reading the soulmates series it means so much to me, ily!
- a <3

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