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Sooah punched the bag for the last time, falling on the floor exhausted and out of breath, covered in sweat.

"Here, stop being so hard on yourself." Soohun handed her a water bottle and sat next to her.

"Thanks." She replied and chugged down the entire bottle.

"What's wrong? You kept on calling someone's name before. Who was it? Bang Chan?"

"Yeah." She rolled her eyes.
"My soulmate."

"Oh, congratulations!"

"Don't you dare congratulate me, he's an asshole." She groaned, throwing the bottle at him.

"I'm sure he's not that bad." Soohun replied, emphasizing the word 'that'.

"Okay yeah, not that bad but horrible."

Sooah walked out of the gym, going back home. Just in time Chan walked into the gym, getting out of his car but the two didn't see each car eachother.

"Hey, Chan- wait Chan?!" Soohun greeted, giving him a hi-five.

Chan shot him a confused look.

"So it is you! Your soulmate just came here and started beating the hell out of a punching bag, shouting your name."

He looked at Soohun with wide eyes. "Lee Sooah?"

"Yes, her. What did you do to make her hate you so much?"

Chan shrugged. "I got her embarrassed." And laughed.

Soohun shook his head and handed Chan a pair of boxing gloves.

"So, which one did she punch?"

"That one." Soohun pointed at a punching bag which looked loke it would collapse any second.

"Yikes, how bad did she punch it?"

"Very bad."


"Morning Sooah." Kyora chimed, holding two bottles of chocolate milk.

"Morning." She replied, keeping her head on her desk.

"What's up with you?"

"I don't want to face him today." She groaned. Luckily, Chan was a year higher than her— so she didn't have to bother seeing him in class.

Kyora laughed, patting Sooah's back. "It'll be okay."

A slam was heard on Sooah's desk.

"What the-"

"Ugh, look it's Chan's soulmate." A full-faced make up girl rolled her eyes.

"What do you want, Jiyo?" Kyora shouted, defending her best friend.

"Me? I want to be Chan's soulmate."

"I'm afraid you can't do that. Your soulmate is that one person from the year below."

Jiyo huffed, walking away with her two friends.

"Thanks, Kyora."

"No problem, anything for you. Come on, we've been friends for over ten years."


"Soulmate!" Chan called out.

Sooah continued walking, fastening her pace.

"Hey, soulmate. Where are you going?"

Chan managed to walk up to Sooah, blocking her way.





Chan looked at her with a cheeky smile. Sooah turned around but Chan stood in front of her again, she was basically stuck.

"Fine, you win. What do you want?"

"I want you to sit with me."

Sooah stared at him with furrowed brows. "No thanks."

"I'm just going to remind you that I'm the-"

"School owner's son. Yes, I know. You've said that hundreds of times."

"Good, now sit with me. Or else, today will be your last day here."

Sooah had no choice. She heard from Kyora that Chan had gotten a bunch of people kicked out in a snap— usually the ones who messed with him. Sooah also didn't want to take the risks of getting kicked out.

"Are you not eating?" Chan asked.

Sooah shook her head. She turned to Kyora who was seating a few seats away from her and pleaded for help.

"Here, have some sushi." He raised his chopsticks up to feed her.


"Come on, my hands are getting tired."

"No, just eat." She rolled her eyes, looking anywhere else but Chan.

"I made this myself, I want you to try it." He whined.

Sooah let out an annoyed huff and opened her mouth slightly. Chan smiled and fed her the sushi he made.

"Is it good."

"Very." Sooah thought.
"No." She replied.

Chan sulked and crossed his arms.

"Chan is mad." He pouted.

Sooah ignored him and turned back to Kyora, trying to ask her for some help. Kyora looked back at her and mouthed a "sorry" but her face quickly turned away and back to her plate upon seeing Minho look at her.

What happened with the two?

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