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"Wake up we're here." Sooah felt a tap on her shoulder.

Her eyes fluttered open and saw Jaehyun's face in front of her. She nodded and stood up, shaking the hell out of Kyora to wake her up.

"We're back at school, wake up."

Kyora groaned and shot Sooah an annoyed look. Then, they all took their bags and exited the bus.

"Listen up everyone! That is all for today's trip. You are all dismissed except for the ones who have extra classes."

"We still have extra classes? Damn I need to go to Chemistry now." Sooah huffed.

"Good luck to you, feels good to be smart. I'm going home, bye." Kyora stuck her tongue out and waved, walking away.

"Aren't you going home?" Sooah asked Jaehyun.

He shook his head. "I have basketball practice."


"Jaehyun, time for practice let's go!" Johnny called out from the distance.

"I gotta go now, what time will you be done?"

"Probably around five, why?"

"Let's go get some food after, sounds good?" He asked.

Sooah slowly nodded.


"I'll be there! Okay, see you." He waved and walked away.

Sooah saw Jaehyun disappear and smiled to herself, feeling her cheek heat up.

Chan watched the two, wanting to punch Jaehyun so bad.


"Jaehyun, let's talk." Chan's deep voice said from behind Jaehyun who was wiping his sweat off with a towel.

"Oh, Chan. Hey?" He awkwardly greeted.

"Are you planning on taking Sooah away from me too?" Chan asked, raising his brow.

"What do you mean?" Jaehyun knitted his brows.

"Do you like Lee Sooah?"

"We don't know each other that well yet."

Chan scoffed. "So you're willing to get to know her more."

"Well, yeah. Anything wrong with that?"

"Yes, so many things wrong with that. Sooah is my soulmate and I'm not letting what happened with Lina happen with Sooah."

"Oh okay." Jaehyun started to walk away but Chan pushed him to stand in front if him.

"I'm not done. Stay away from her."

"Why should I?"

"Because you aren't her soulmate, I am."

"Sooah will be the one to choose." He walked away from Chan again but got pushed to the ground.

"Sooah is mine and you aren't taking her away from me."

"She has feelings, she can-"

A punch was landed on Jaehyun's pale skin. Chan had been wanting to punch Jaehyun for the longest time, ever since their friendship ended.

"I'm reminding you one last time that she is mine."

"Jaehyun!" A shout was heard behind the two.


She held her hand out for Jaehyun to take, helping him stand on his feet.

"This just adds to why I hate you." Sooah glared at Chan and walked off with Jaehyun.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" She asked.

Jaehyun shook his head. "I'm okay."


"First tip, be extra nice to Sooah. Extra nice. Try complimenting her, helping her out." Minho said.

"Second tip, be nice to other people too, especially Jaehyun." Jeongin continued.

"Hell no, anyone but that kid." Chan rolled his eyes.

"Third tip, try to make Sooah like you instead because seems that she's falling for Jaeh-"

"Don't say his name."

"Falling for Jaehyun." Hyunjin laughed.

I want Sooah with Jaehyun now :( before anyone hunts me down, I'll still have Sooah end up with Chan don't worry pleasedontkillme. You guys decide I might have 2 endings :))

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