Fixed Affection Chapter 7

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Hey readers!! I just want you to know how much it means to me to see you guys reading my story, so thank you.  Please let me know what you think, maybe vote.  Thanks!!



The next month and a half was rough.  School started back up with a vengeance and I was in the studios late almost every night and by the time I was done Mike would be fast asleep in order to be awake for work the next morning.  I hadn't been able to see him at all and I hadn't even really talked to him that much either, we were both so busy it made it hard to text and even harder to find time to call.

Today was Friday and I was excited because today was our critique on our assignments which was unbelievably stressful but it meant that I had no homework for the night.  I texted Mike first thing this morning knowing that he'd be awake.  'Hey babe I finally have a night off.  Do you want to hang out? Let me know. XX -B'.  He didn't text me back right away but I figured he would during his lunch break.

It was 4:00 p.m.  now and I was starting to go crazy, he should have said something by now.  I was pacing my dorm holding my phone in my hand, every few minutes I would check the screen just in case I didn't hear and or feel it ring.  Then I would check to see if the message had sent, every time it was the same result.  Yes I had sent the message and no, he didn't text me back yet.  I couldn't resist the urge any longer, I sent him another text.  'Mike, I really want to see you.  Please get a hold of me. -B'.  He text back almost immediately.  'Sure, I'll come pick you up.  I'll be there at 6:30.'

It was a little after 5:00 now and I really didn't know if I could wait that long.  I changed my clothes a half a dozen times.  I finally settled on a pair of dark jeans and my favorite black chucks I also wore my awesome new shirt, it was an asymmetrical tunic , a little off the shoulder, newspaper print and I wrapped a cute belt around my waist.  I dazzled my eyes up a bit making them shimmer; I left my hair down and put a soft curl in it.  I through some extra clothes in my purse, just in case.

After what felt like years it was close to 6:30, I sat by the window scanning the parking lot waiting to see the headlights that belonged to Mike's Buick.  At 6:30 exactly I saw his car pull up in front of the dorms.  I snagged my coat and dashed out of my room and flew down the one flight of stairs separating us.  When I walked out the door still sliding my coat on Mike was walking towards me.  His short hair was still wet clearing just took a shower, again he was in his classic blue jeans and he had on a tight white shirt with a red hoodie zipped up halfway and a black coat over top.

It had been far too long since I saw him last.  I walked towards him when he finally reached me he pulled me up into a big bear hug lifting me off the ground, his arms holding me tightly around my waist.  I wrapped my legs around his hips, my arms tightly around his neck and I tuck my face into the crook of his neck.  I just breathed him in letting his scent and his warmth encircle me.  I kissed his neck softly; his skin was so warm and smelled like soap and his cologne.

  Mike carried me over to his car and placed me in the passenger seat, he kissed my forehead before closing the door and walking over to the driver's side.

Something was off; I could feel it, like it was in the air or something. 

I slid close to him on the bench seat grabbing his hand, placing it on my lap and entertaining our fingers.  He gave me a smile but I've seen better and his eyes held a different emotion, sadness?

"So where we going?"

"I was thinking we could just hang out at my place, if that's ok?"

"Yeah of course!"  I was actually pretty excited about seeing where he lived. "I'm just so glad I finally have time to hang out."  His face grimaced slightly and he turned towards to the window quickly. 

Oh god that's it! That's what's wrong! He wants to break up with me, wait are we even together?  Well I guess I don't blame him I am a horrible girlfriend that can never hang out.

I was so in thought I didn't realize that we had stopped until Mike was opening the door and getting out, the cold are bringing me back to reality.  He held his hand out to me, helping me out of the car.  He wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me close as he led me to his apartment.  It was on the third floor; it was small but was nice.  He didn't have much furniture, a hand-me-down couch at TV on a small stand but it was kept clean.  The kitchen had a few mismatched dishes, just enough for one.  I couldn't help the smile that crept on my face, this place just felt like Mike.

"Yeah, it's not much . . ." his voice trailing off at towards the end.

"Hey." I said putting my hand on his chest, wanting to stop the doubt "I like it" giving him a smile.  He smiled back grabbing my hand on his chest and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"So how does Chinese sound?"

"Delicious" I said with enthusiasm, like he had asked a stupid question.  He gave me a gentle laugh before pulling out his phone to place our order.

The food was delicious, as predicted.  While we were eating we cuddled on the couch, I had my legs on his lap and just watched TV.  I couldn't begin to tell you what we were watching I was too preoccupied savoring this moment with Mike, not sure when I would be able to do this again.

Finally my mind couldn't take it anymore, I had to know what was wrong and if he was breaking up with me, or whatever.

"So . . . are you going to tell me now or what?"

"What are you talking about?" turning and looking me in the eye.

"Something's bothering you, and I was just wondering if you were going to tell me?"   

He just hung his head, closing his eyes.

 I knew something was up.

Mike wrapped his arms around me pulling me onto his lap, his arms around my waist then he rested his forehead on my shoulder.

"You're right." He paused for a minute.  "There is something I need to tell you."

I just had to know, whatever it is I can handle it.  I just needed to know what was wrong so I could make it better.  I pulled his face up to mine and kissed him softly.

"You can tell me." His eyes studied mine for a moment before kissing me back, more fervently this time.

"Before I say anything, I just want you to know how much I missed you and I'm sorry we couldn't hang out more. I now you tried, I did too but it just seemed like no matter how hard we tried we just couldn't get it to work and no-" I kissed him hard, silencing his rambling.

"I missed you too"

"Well I wanted to talk to you about work. . ." I just gave him a confused; I had absolutely no idea why he would want to talk to me about work.  "Chuck gave me a promotion."  I nearly jumped off the couch in excitement.

"Baby that's great! I'm so happy for you!"  Why isn't he as nearly as excited as I am right now?

"Thank you, but Brenna I've been promoted to the new 'Regional Director'" he said nearly a whisper.  But why would he be upset about a promotion, that was great news, he should be . . .  Then it hit me.  Regional, meaning not here?

"Um. Regional?" he just nodded "meaning?" my heart was beating out of my chest so scared of the answer I knew was coming.  He sighed heavily before answering me.

"Meaning that I am moving to Nevada to open up the new shop um . . . tomorrow."  the last bit coming out as a whisper.

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