Fixed Affection Chapter 9

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Ch. 9

He wouldn’t tell me where we were going.  I don’t think it’s anywhere expensive, at least I hope not because he is dressed in just jeans and a tee and I dressed similarly.  We were in Mike’s gorgeous Buick and I was cuddle up to his side eager to learn our destination.

On the drive he had blinded folded me so that it would be a surprised and I was clutching to his hand for dear life keeping me grounded in my now dark world.  I lost tract of the rights and the lefts until I finally feel the engine cease.  I heard Mike shifting around then I felt his lips on mine.  I kissed him back lightly my lips playing with his.

“Trust me?”  I nodded biting my lip.  He led me out of the driver’s side then slowly led me forward.  He walked behind me with an arm wrapped around my waist holding me steady.  I walked inside it was filled with warmth and soft music.

“Just a little more” he whispered in my ear.  I let him lead me farther into the building still quiet except for the low music, finally we came to stop the turned me to my right.  Ever so slowly he removed the blindfold. I opened my eyes to the vibrant painting in front of me.  I scanned my eyes around the room; there was so much to take in.  The colors, the textures it was all so breathtaking.

“Mike . . . is this?” my voice coming out softer than I expected.

“The Columbia City Gallery, yes.”

“I  . . . i-I can’t believe it.”  Mike said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, kissing my neck.

“it’s incredible, thank you so much” I said giving him a squeeze.

“come on lets go on a tour” he said giving me one last kiss on my cheek before leading me towards the tour guide, this was so sweet of him, I couldn’t believe it.

The gallery was absolutely amazing and Mike appeared to enjoy it too.

“Mike, thank you. I loved it so much.”

“Don’t thank me just yet.”

“What do you mean?”

He answered me by holding the blindfold up to me.

“There’s more?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Ugh fine, but this better be good” I said joking.

“You got it boo” he said wrapping the blindfold back around my eyes then leading me back into the car.

I didn’t even try to keep track of where we could possibly going this time, I knew it was hopeless, I’m horrible with direction.   Instead I just thought about how amazing he was and tried not to think about saying goodbye.

When we stopped I could hear the water and I was beyond excited now, I loved the beach.

“Ok Brenna, I need to run inside real quick okay?  This is John” he said moving my hand into someone else’s “he is going to bring you inside in just a minute, alright?”

“But Mike. . .”

“Trust me.” He said before he kissed me on the cheek and I heard him walk away.

After what felt like an eternity John led me inside.  It was so warm and smelled delightful.

“Ok Ms. Meyers I’m going to take the blindfold off now.”  I just nodded trying not to show how eager I was to be able to see again.

He revealed my eyes for me to take in the unbelievable sight in front of me.  We were at Alkis Beach grill.   I had always wanted to go here.  But it never could have matched up to what I was seeing now.  The whole place was dark and filled with candles, the shutters opened slightly to see the shore.  Mike was standing there was a bouquet of roses.  It was all so magical.  I took the flowers from him as he pulled my chair out for me then sat across from me.

“Mike what is all this?” I asked taking in the room.

“Well Valentine’s Day is actually tomorrow.  But I was hoping you’d celebrate it with me today.”

Oh my god I didn’t even realize that it was so close to Valentine’s day, I guess I hadn’t given it much thought.

“This is so incredible!”

“I’m so glad you like it.”

“Well of course I do.”  We just smiled at each other as dopey like some romantic comedy, I couldn’t help it.

As expected dinner was absolutely delicious!  We had some delicious lobster and steak, only best when it’s straight from the ocean.   I still couldn’t believe Mike had arranged this, I felt so special.  Mike had me giggling over little jokes throughout dinner; I loved that he could make me laugh so easily.

 It was all so surreal to think about, today I was having one of the best times and tomorrow it will be one of the worst, but I was trying to let myself dwell on that part.  I didn’t want anything to bring down the mood tonight.

We continued to eat and laugh then he took me on a walk on the beach, a bit cliché but still.  We walked hand in hand, I had my shoes off to let the cold water tingle through my toes.  Moments passed before Mike broke the silence.

He cleared his throat “So . . . I do have to leave soon.”

I nodded, my head drooping low.

“It will be ok, I promise.”  He said before enveloping me into a hug, my arms snaked around his waist and I buried my face into his chest.

“I’m just going to miss you so much.”  I said weakly, tears forming in my eyes.

“I promise I will visit when I can, ok?” he said kissing my head.  I just nodded knowing my voice would betray me.

With that we made our way back to his car so that he could take me home to go catch his flight.  I held on for dear life the entire drive home.  When we pulled up outside of my room I turned to him and kissed him with everything I had.  His lips responded with the same amount of hunger, driving me wild.  I wanted this to be a kiss that neither of us could ever forget. 

Regrettably we pulled apart both of us catching our breath, I looked into those amazing green eyes of his, studying the emotion within.  I couldn’t put it in to words but I knew I felt it too.  I gave him one last fervent kiss before I went inside and let the tears fall freely.

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