Fixed Affection Chapter 12

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Ch. 12

I awoke the next morning with the feeling of warmth surrounding me.  My vision still fuzzy I tried to take in my surroundings, I instantly recognized the room: Natalie’s lake house.  But though the feeling was unfamiliar it was absolutely intoxicating and there was only one possibility. Mike.  He was lying on his back and I was cuddled up close to his left side with my arm wrapped around his strong chest and my leg hitched up over his.

Last night felt like a dream, I knew it happened I just still had a hard time believing it.  He was here, he was with me.  I smiled widely as I nuzzled myself impossibly closer to his chest.  Part of me knew this wouldn’t last and I had to make the most of it.

I felt him stir and I knew he was awake but I kept my eyes shut wanting to prolong this moment together.  Instead of getting up like I thought he would he just squeezed me closer and ran his fingers through my hair, he knows how much I love that.

“I missed you so much Brenna.” He whispered kissing my head.

I wasn’t sure if I was meant to hear that or not so I continued to lie there.

“I promise we’ll be together someday.   I promise.”

With that he hugged me once more before falling back to sleep.  I soon fell back to sleep, those words replaying over in my head and how much they meant to me.


I awoke again a few hours later and I knew by the amount of sunlight shining through that it had to be about mid-morning.  As I was slowly regaining consciousness I realized that I was completely sprawled out over Mike’s chest, one of his hands were wound through my hair, the other tucked under his head.  I know he would have to leave soon so I was more than eager to wake him in order to spend this time with him.  I moved so that I was straddling him, my hand on either side holding myself off of his chest.  I scattered small kisses on his chest, trailing upwards to his neck and kisses all over his face.  At first he tried to shy away from me but eventually he began to laugh and squirm against my incessant kissing.

“Okay, okay! I’m awake.”

“Good” I said as I sat back on his hips, satisfied that he was awake.  I couldn’t help but notice that he had an erection, ’morning wood’.  I shifted so that I wasn’t in direct contact with the ‘little guy downstairs’.

“Sorry.”  His face a mixture of embarrassment and arousal.

“It’s ok. It happens.” I said with a laugh, trying to put him at ease.  “So what are we going to do today?”  I couldn’t hide my excitement, I was anxious to spend the day with him.

“I was thinking I could give you your graduation present.” He said with a smile, his voice still a little husky and a little sexy from just waking up.

“Ooooh!” I squealed clapping my hands together excitedly.

“Alright let’s get ready.” He said as he moved up onto his elbows.

“Great.  I’m going to shower.” Then I scampered off to the bathroom.


In the midst of washing my hair felt strong hands encircle my waist.  I whipped around suddenly to face my intruder, not the best idea in a shower, as I felt my feet slip out from under me on the slippery surface.

“Whoa.” Was all he said as I felt his hands grab me securely, preventing my fall.  “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, fine.  But what the hell are you doing in here? Trying to give me a god damn heart attack?!” I yelled before turning back around attempting to hid most of my nudity.

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