Fixed Affection Chapter 4

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This chapter has some sexual content.  I am warning you.

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Thanks -Lindy


I relished the feeling of Mike holding me, and the fact that he missed me too.  I didn't think it was possible.  We moved as one around the floor and I never wanted it to end.  The song changed and we slowed down, now moving in a small circle almost in place.  Then I felt something, something like a kiss on my temple.  Mike didn't just kiss me, did he?  He couldn't have.  I looked up at him, raising my brow questioningly.

"What?  Don't look at me, I had to." 

"What are you talking about?"  God he had me so confused now.  With the hand he held mine in he pointed up to the mistletoe hanging above us.  I laughed a little, I couldn't help it.


"I had no choice but to kiss you, it's the rules" he said with a shrug, making me laugh.

"Well Mike, too bad for me, that you're chicken."

He just laughed at me.  God I missed his laugh, he was so easy to be around, I really missed how much fun it was to hang out with him.  We continued to dance, not wanting to break contact with him. 

"So Mike, where you working?"  I knew he was working for my dad, I just didn't know where dad had him located.

"Chuck's shop in North Seattle."

"Holy shit! You're kidding?!" He has been in Seattle all this time!

"No? Why do you say it like that?"

"Well I go to school in Seattle now and I just can't believe that we. . .um . . uh" I stopped myself from revealing too much. 

I bit my lip and dipped my head down trying to hide my embarrassment, my cheeks betraying me.  He didn't know that I would want to see him so bad, god I already said too much.  He probably thinks that I am so pathetic, great Brenna.  Just fucking great!  I need to get away from him and salvage any dignity I had left.  I stopped dancing then turned on my heel to run away and hide until the night was over.  I hurried away out of the ballroom and down the hallway to the unoccupied, dark conference room.  I ran inside and then slumped myself against the wall and lid my body down onto the floor. 

What was I thinking? God you barely even know him Brenna, but no, go ahead tell him how crazy you are about him.  That's not creepy.  Well clearly he didn't want to see me.  He had to have known I lived in Seattle; dad spoke about it all the time.  Ugh, get over it Brenna he just doesn't like you.  A tear escaped but I didn't let myself break down, I couldn't.  I just hung my head and fought off the tears trying to break free.

Just then the door opened and the closed. I held myself perfectly still, not knowing who might have followed me in here.  I tried to slow my breathing and my heart rate.  I heard a noise and I gasped a little too loudly, oh no they saw me and were headed towards me now.  I slowly stood up, my back still against the wall and tried to ready myself for a fight.

"Brenna, it's me.  Where are you?" that was definitely Mike's voice, without a doubt.  I let out a small sigh of relief, my body relaxing.  He must of heard me.  He walked right up to me, putting his hands on either side of me, caging me against the wall, but I felt anything but trapped.  His body was nearly touching mine.  I could feel the static energy between us.  His eyes studied my face locking his eyes to mine.  I hope that he wouldn't be able to see the tears trying to form, but I couldn't break his gaze; it was so consuming.  He put his hand on my cheek and wiped away a stray tear with his thumb.  Shit, can't hide now.  He touched his forehead to mine.   I could help but think that that was such a sweet gesture.  He closed his eyes.  Then he finally spoke, lifting he face from mine.

"I knew you were in Seattle but I also knew that you were in the dorms and I didn't know how to find you there.  But believe me; I wanted to see you too."  He said brushing my bangs out of my way, staring into my eyes, gauging my reaction.  I had a small smile playing on my lips, he smiled too.  I took a small step forward and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.  He wrapped his arms around my shoulders hugging me closer.  I breathed him in, he even smelled sexy.  His grip around me loosened then he ran his fingertips down my back, his touch tickling on my ribs as he reached my low back.  I looked up at his face, my eyes locking to his.  I watched them smolder as he ran his fingers back up my spine.

 God I love this dress.

He continued to trace up my spine to my neck, leading his right hand behind my ear making my breath hitch and squeeze myself tighter to him.  His fingers slid through my hair then held me at the base of my head.  I wanted to kiss him so unbelievably bad; I leaned in closer to him rubbing my hands up his chest want to feel every inch of him.  Suddenly I was pushed back up against the wall, Mike's hand still in my hair and the other on my side holding me securely against the wall.  He looked like he was fighting for control, well too bad for him, my mind was made up.  I was not going to get this close and leave without a kiss, again.  My arms still around his torso, I brought him closer to me.  I licked my lips, biting my bottom lip slowly.  That did it.  I thought to myself as he suddenly crushed his lips to mine.  His lips were soft and warm but powerful giving me a sensation of electricity on my lips.  Then it was gone, I opened my eyes to see Mike looking at me.  My lips were parted, begging for his touch and my eyes were full of lust.

 He kissed me again this time harder but not rough, just strong and skillful.  He nibbled on my bottom lip begging for entrance which I gladly gave him.  When his tongue met mine and passion surged through my veins, he tasted amazing.  I wound my right hand through his hair and held him closer to me letting my other hand explore his strong back.  He kissed me slow and sexy, igniting all my senses.  I nibbled his bottom lip then sucking it gently.  I heard him moan deep in his chest, he turned my head to the angle he wanted his tongue massaging mine in a way I had never felt before, who knew kissing could feel this way? So connected physically, sexually, emotionally.  His hand drifted upward to breast massaging it gently.  The sensation made me to throw my head back and moan.  Mike took this opportunity to kiss and nibble down my neck, when he reached my collarbone my breathing was heavy and I was too turned on to even function.  He tortured me as he made his way back up finding my earlobe which he sucked and nibbled gently sending over the edge. I arched my back pressing myself into him, my grip in his hair tightening and hitching my left leg over his hip, wanting him to be closer.  His mouth found mine and devoured it, his hand moved from my hair to my ass holding me to him tightly I could feel that he was unmistakably erect and I knew I was wet for him too.  God I wanted him but not here, not like this. 

I released the hold I had in his hair and grabbed his hand from my chest intertwining our fingers.  I kissed him back but gentle and more slowly, he matched my rhythm as our breathing slowed.  He gently released my leg placing me gently on the floor.   He held my face in his hands, his thumbs resting on my chin, he broke the kiss and placed small kisses all over my face then returning back to my lips.

"I'm so sorry Brenna.  I didn't mean for.  . " he started but I cut him off.  His face looked guilt-stricken but I didn't want him to feel guilty, I lost control as much as he did, if not more.

"Hey don't be sorry.  I do believe I started it" I said giving him a grin.  His shoulders relaxed slightly before wrapping his arms around my shoulders again hugging me to him.  I wound my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest.   How long we held one another like that I'm not sure but I didn't want it to end.  He kissed my forehead "I have an idea."

"Yeah? What?"

"Let's get out of here.  We'll sneak out the back door and go. .  .i don't know . . . not here" he said with a laugh.

"Sure, what gave you this idea?"

"Well things got pretty intense and I'm not sure what we look like, but I definitely don't want to face your dad like this."

Oh shit! I would die if I had to face my dad right now.

"Oh thank god one of us has a brain; I would absolutely die if we had to go back out there.  Alright lead the way captain, how do we get out of here?"

He smiled a killer smile, "right this way milady."  We stealthily left the conference room; we couldn't afford to get caught.  He wrapped his jacket around my shoulders the grabbed my hand as we made our escape.

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