Fixed Affection Chapter 2

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Pic of Brenna with dark hair.  Not the best pic in the world, but it was the only one I could find



Chapter 2

December 2008

Three weeks after the company picnic I moved to Seattle to go to school.  I never heard anything from Mike.  Yet I am not sure how I was supposed to, we had just barely met and didn't exchange any sort of information to get a hold of each other, I can't believe I didn't think to ask him for anything.  Actually I can I would never have the guts to ask a guy for his number.  But why didn't he ask me?  I thought he had a good time, maybe he actually thought I was really boring and was thankful to get rid of me.

Those thoughts swarmed my head for the first couple months at school but eventually I was able to push those thoughts to the back of my head and tried not to dwell on it, but I would be lying if I said I forgot about him entirely.

School went by quickly, it is very fast paced and I was enjoying it so much, I even had a few dates.   None of them went anywhere but I was putting myself out there, not wanting one boy who I hung out with once to hold me back.  Before I knew it, it was already Christmas Holiday and my I was heading home for Dad's company Christmas party and of course Christmas with my parents.   My dad is coming to pick me up because the despite how much I love my Chevy it doesn't do so well at fast speeds so I get to have my daddy pick me up, and make me feel like I'm 14 again.

My dad and I made the delightful commute back home, one that typically takes about 20 to 25 minutes but since it rained and everybody suddenly forgot how to drive it took us a good 45 minutes to get home.  Pulling into town I settled in the familiarity of being home.  There is a sense of security being back in the town you grew up in, the familiar landmarks and childhood memories.  I hadn't been home much during the semester, only once or twice.  It's not that I didn't miss home; I did like crazy but my truck, despite how much I adore it, doesn't do well at high speeds so it is always had to go slow and steady making the drive take a while.

After we pulled up to my house, the small little abode that has been my home my entire life, I immediately ran to my room at the end of the hall to change for the Christmas party.  Dad and I were cutting it a bit close on time we had about an hour before we had to be there and I planned to look fantastic.  I had bought a new dress just for tonight; my dress was a feeble attempt of breaking out of my tomboy shell and Chuck's little girl always running around in overall.  I was attempting to be seen as more than just the little girl they all knew me as but as a successful young woman.  I am going to art school and getting my degree in 2 years' time, something that required hard work and determination.  Will I succeed, probably not; but I'm going to keep trying.

My amazing dress was a Herve Ledger, open back, red dress, it is Christmas after all I had to go with red.  It has an asymmetric neckline dipping far on my left side and a wide open back.  It had short sleeves and it came to a few inches above my knee.  It was absolutely stunning and hugged my curves perfectly.  I finished my look with black peep-toe heels with a little back bow on the top.  My hair, that I had recently died black was just below my shoulder, it was parted on my left side with side swept bangs and I had curled into big, elegant waves.  I accented my big blue eyes with some black eyeliner and thick mascara; I was really trying to make my eyes pop, if the contrasting black hair didn't succeed enough.

After I put my look together, I looked myself in the full length mirror then I felt like such a chicken-shit.  Oh my god there is NO way I can leave like this!  I have never been dressed like this in front of my parents let alone all of his friends.  Holy shit what was I thinking?!  I started to panic.  What was I going to do? It's not like I have enough time to change or anything to change into for that matter.  Ok Brenna calm down, you're going to hyperventilate.  My breaths became more rushed and shorter, oh shit I'm going to pass out.  I called my best friend Natalie; she would know what to do.  After all she was the reason I was in this predicament, she picked out the damn dress.  The phone was playing her ring back tone, the new version of Blondie's Call Me.  She finally picked up,

"Brenna, babe what's up?"

"What's up? What is up is that I'm freaking the fuck out!" I cried.  "How could I let you talk me into this?"  I continued to ramble on but most of what I said was unintelligible with a few curse words thrown in.

"BRENNA" Nat yelled at me to shut me up, "Calm down geez, it can't be that bad, but I do want to see" I could hear her smiling; she really insisted I get the dress, saying I'd look amazing.  "You should Skype me so I can see it, okay?"

"Yeah ok, bye Nat" I replied but she was already gone.

I ran to my computer and opened up the video chat so that she could see everything, more than a mere cellphone picture could show.  I sat nervously in front of my laptop waiting for her to answer the video call.  Just then a video screen popped up on the screen.

"Oh hey Brenna, damn girl you look awesome!  I don't see what you're worried about?"

"You haven't seen all of it" I stated as I walked across the bedroom so that she could see all of me.

"Holy Shit!" she yelled.  I knew it, my head hanging low, I need to change.  "You look sexy as hell; if I wasn't undeniably straight I would jump through the screen and take you now!"  I laughed at her comment, she was always saying crazy stuff just to make me relax or smile.  Her perved comment had distracted me from my panic attack, and was now breathing normally.

She smiled at me seeing's that I had relaxed a bit.

"You look great" she said seriously "just go out tonight with your head held high and trust me, everyone's eyes will be on you tonight" her smile growing bigger.

"But that's what I'm afraid of.  I don't think I want that much attention" I admitted looking down at my hands, fidgeting with them nervously.  I don't like being on 'center stage' because I always fumble and make a fool out of myself.

"Alright Brenna I have a better idea.  I still want you to keep your head held high, just play confident and they will believe you, but I want you to concentrate on something tonight ok?  That way you won't be over-thinking every little thing."

God she really does know me too well.

"I want you to concentrate on Mike's reaction to you tonight, that she be enough motivation for you to go out tonight" she instructed me, grinning wickedly.

Oh my god I completely forgot that he was going to be there tonight.  Dad had been really impressed with him and had kept him on after the summer and rumor was that he was doing really well too.  I wouldn't know for sure I just hear little things dad says here and there; he didn't discuss work much outside of work.  The thought of seeing mike tonight put a big smile on my face.

"There's the girl I know and love."  Natalie's words brought me out of my thoughts and back to her face on the screen.  "Just concentrate on that okay? And if anything happens, text me and I'll help you out."  She said the last part laughing.  She couldn't go too long without mocking me.  She knew all my little fears and has always been there for me when I needed her but she could help but make fun of me a bit, and I couldn't blame her, I was a bit obnoxious sometimes.

Natalie has been my best friend since freshman year of high school.  She was the missing ying to my yang.  WE met in our art class, we clicked and have been best friends ever since.  My best friend is absolutely beautiful; she is a little taller than me at 5'7".  She had flawless fair skin with dark red hair right above her chest that she wore pin straight with side swept bangs.  Her eyes were here a hazel, but mostly yellow, she had gorgeous cheekbones and round pouty lips, like I said beautiful.

"Ok Nat, you convinced me, I am going and mike can eat his heart out" I said with a wink "love ya babe" with that I ended the call and left so I could go leave a lasting impression at dad's party.

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