Fixed Affection Chapter 10

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May 2008

I was so antsy I couldn’t hold still, I was probably driving the lady next to me nuts but I just couldn’t help it.  I was an hour away from getting off this plane and going to see Brenna.  It had be an almost a year and a half since I last saw her.  Valentine’s Day.  I would never forget that day it was definitely the best date I’d ever had.

 Unfortunately my job kept me really busy and I wasn’t able to visit.  We spoke often and I would honestly consider her one of my best friends in the world.  Brenna was graduating today and I had flown out to surprise her, I was very proud of her and wanted to show my support.

 Today was going to be tricky, if Chuck found out I flew here he’d probably be pissed, but it she will be so worth it.  He really didn’t like it when I left town, leaving the new shop unattended, so I will definitely be avoiding him today.  I know I should respect my boss’s wishes but I really can’t stay away today.

 I have wanted to make the trip before but I didn’t know when he might come to check out the new store, but today I knew for sure where he’d be and I was going to take advantage of this opportunity.  Hopefully I can make it to Sunday night and catch my plane back to Arizona without him seeing me.

I drove to the school like a mad man, I had rented a car so that I may come and go as I please without causing attention with my Buick.  I had barely made it in time.  I slid into the back row and searched for her in the stands. 

My eyes scanning the crowd hurriedly.  AH! There she is.

God she looked beautiful even in her cap and gown.  Her hair was longer, a little past her shoulders and a brilliant blonde now, just seeing her made this trip worth it. She was surveying the large crowd in front of her, probably looking for her friends and family.  Just then her eyes met with mine.  Her gorgeous blue-green eyes that drove me wild nearly bulged out of her head making me smile.  I had definitely surprised her.  I sent her wink before her face erupted into a huge smile.  Oh yeah, this trip was definitely worth it.


I really thought I had lost my mind, that couldn’t have been Mike in the stands.  To say I was shocked to see him would be quite the understatement.  He hadn’t mentioned anything about trying to come, and I hadn’t asked because I figured he was busy, but oh my god he was here!

I stole another glance up at him, his face still held his award winning smile; I smiled back unable to stop the cheesy grin on my face. 

Unexpectedly Nat leaned forward to whisper in my ear “is that really Mike?”

All I could do was nod, yes; I could still barely fathom it myself.

“You never said he was coming.”

“I didn’t know.”

“Damn, Mikey-boy just earned some brownie points from me.”

Natalie had been pissed off at Mike for quite a while.  When he left I was a bit of a wreck and she blamed it on him, but it’s not like he knew he was going to be moving when we got together.  She got even more pissed off a month later when he told me that he wanted to see other people.  It tore my heart out, but in retrospect I understand.  We were able to talk things out and now it is kind of funny.  He didn’t know when he’d be back and it would be unfair to both of us to wait over a year for the other, besides I don’t know if either of us could abstain that long.  The thought making me laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

“Oh nothing, just thinking back to when you hated him.”

“I never said I didn’t hate him, I just said he got some brownie points.”

“Alright, whatever you say.”

Throughout the ceremony I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him, it was like I had to keep reassuring myself he was here.  I know I shouldn’t let it get to me but the whole fact that he flew out here to see me gives me some mixed feelings, yeah he is my best friend but I can’t help but feel something more. 

He caught me staring again and gave me a smile, making me blush.  The girl next to me elbowed me bringing me out the silent conversation between Mike and me. 

“Hey Brenna, go.  They called your name, go.”

“Shit!” I muttered as I walked quickly to the podium to accept my diploma.  I smiled and shook hands before turning to the crowd.  I could see my mom crying, holding onto my dad’s arm; he was clapping with a big smile on his face.  The group of guys around them was cheering like crazy, no doubt trying to embarrass me, it was working.  Then there was Mike in the back row with a huge grin on his face, big, bright and contagious, making me break out into a big smile of my own.  I moved my tassel to the other side of my cap before walking back to my seat, my eyes never leaving his.

The remaining people’s names were called before we all tossed our caps into the air.  After the ceremony I met up with everyone, I gave out hugs, posed for pictures, my smile permanent on my face.  All the while I was looking for that pair of eyes, the gorgeous green that always drives me crazy.  I continued to search the crowd but it was no use, he wasn’t anywhere to be found.

Natalie’s parents were throwing a big barbeque at the lake house for mine and Nat’s graduation party.  It would be close friends and family until about eight or so then we were able to have a party with some of our friends from school.  I was really looking forward to tonight; it had been a while since I was able to cut loose.

As expected the barbeque portion of the evening felt like it lasted forever.  It was endless hours of congrats, what you going to do now? can I get a picture in the cap and gown?  I was happy that I had such close people that were proud of me but it felt like it wasn’t going to end.  I also might have been feeling a bit bitchy seeing as how I continued to look for Mike, but was having no luck.

The keg had just arrived as did a lot of people from school; I wasn’t much of a beer drinker so instead I mixed myself a rum and coke.  Natalie definitely knew had to throw a party, and this was the place to do it.  The kitchen was a smorgasbord of alcohol and food, while the living room was now the dance floor.  Luckily it was hardwood floors, the lights were dim with strobe and colored light dancing across the room.  Let the party begin.

The drinks continued to pour and I was having a kick ass time and had quite the buzz going on.  I felt the sudden urge to dance,  I moved to the dance floor and let the music pulsate through me.  I just wanted to dance,  let my body move freely to the song, not caring what I looked like, and I was too into it to care.  Soon I felt the most amazing warmth wrap around me, I relaxed into them letting them move me.  I loved dancing with someone that could make it so effortless.  I ground my ass against them, teasing.  His arm tightened around my waist, fingers grazing the bare skin.  Almost as a reflex I ground my ass into him again, tipping my head back.  I could feel his breath on my face, tickling my ear, driving me wild.  I turned around to face him then devoured his mouth, I couldn’t resist any longer, I needed him, and only one guy can drive me crazy like this.

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