Fixed Affection Chapter 8

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Hey! Sorry guys I have such a hard time typing.  I write at my boring job most time but then I just have a hell of a time typing it all out.  Sorry again well hope you like this chapter and I'll try to upload again soon.


I sucked a breath in, unable to release it, my heart had just stopped.  I couldn't stop it, a sob broke out and tears welled in up in my eyes.  I couldn't hold it back.  I can't believe I'm crying in front of him, I never cry in front of anybody.  Mike pulled me close, sliding me onto his lap, hugging me tightly as he stroked my hair and wiped my tears away.

"I'm so sorry, baby please don't cry, I'm sorry." He whispered, kissing my tears away.

He was being so sweet and I was going to miss him so much.  Of course I finally find a guy I like and he moves away, but he shouldn't feel bad about this.  It is a great opportunity for him.

"Don't feel bad.  You should be happy getting this job.  This is a good thing" I tried to say with a smile.

"yeah, I guess it is . . . it's just that . . . " I looked up at him, wanting him to finish his sentence.  "I'm really going to miss you Brenna."  He said it so sincerely, his gorgeous green eyes boring into mine.  I didn't even know what to  say, my heart was pounding out of my chest with such a strong emotion and breaking at the loss it was about to endure.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved so that I was straddling him.  I wanted to touch him, to taste him; I just needed to be as close to him as possible.  I leaned in close and pressed my lips to his hungrily, his taste was intoxicating and I soon found myself devouring his mouth.  His arms held me so securely holding on to my thigh his fingers grazing my ass, his other hand wound in my hair holding me close.  I absolutely could not stop kissing him, I never wanted to.

Sometime during our kissing, I am not really sure when, I had pushed Mike down so that I was lying on top of him, that I remember.  What I don't remember was falling asleep.

I woke up to a pair of strong arms encircling me, the rise and fall of his chest underneath me.  The rhythmic sound of his breathing relaxing me back into a deep sleep, my heavy eyelids drooping but then shock jolted my body awake.

SHIT! What time is it?! How much time is left?!

I jerked up searching around for the time.  Mike jerked off the couch, pulling me with him and wrapping his arms around me while searching the room.

"Baby what's wrong?!" he was still on full alert, scanning the room. Shit I must have scared him.

"Nothing, sorry Mike.  I-I was just searching for the time."  My face got a little red admitting that I gave him a heart attack over the time.  He gave me a small laugh before squeezing me into a hug.

"It's about 1:30 a.m.  Why were you so worried?" he asked while rubbing his hands up and down my arms reassuringly.

"I was just worried about how much time we have left."

"Hey don't stress too much kay? My flight isn't until like 5:00 p.m.  there's still time." He gave me a small smile.

That was quite a bit of time but not nearly enough.  I nodded, not looking up at him, I didn't want him to see my sad eyes, and I shouldn't be this upset, right?  He tried to lift my chin up to face him but I resisted, so he tipped my head to the side and started kissing my neck.  Damn it, he knew just how to distract me.  Instinctively my arms wrapped around him, pulling him close to me, eliminating any space between us.  His kisses continued trailing his way down to my collarbone, onto my shoulder sliding my sleeve off.  He bit lightly making my body jerk as lust coursed through me.  This only caused him to continue to kiss me, moving lower this time.  Determinedly he slid a hand under my top lifting it slightly, I mimicked his movements dying to feel his bare skin, and he was so warm it shocked my fingertips. 

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