Fixed Affection Chapter 17

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My lips parted on their own accord giving his mouth access to mine, letting his tongue meet mine.  The kiss was slow and sweet but completely enticing.  Ever so slowly Mike broke the kiss and pulled away, his eyes studying mine.  He looked so nervous; I gave him a smile wishing his bad thoughts to go away.  It must have worked because a huge smile erupted on his face, brightening the room.

“Brenna and Michael?” we both looked back to the minister, I had completely forgotten where I was.  All we need now is for you to sign the marriage license and you can be on your way.” Mike took the pen from him and quickly jotted down his signature before handing the pen to me.  I put my pen to the paper and was about to sign when I realized I didn’t know which name I wanted to sign, I looked to Mike but he was over by the door talking to Brent, in a rash decision I quickly signed Brenna Chambers before handing it to Natalie for safe keeping.  She saw what I wrote and was eyeing me suspiciously while putting the document in her purse.  I just shrugged my shoulders, wanting to play it off as nothing, so I turned away from her and began leading everyone outside to find a night club, I was ready to dance.

The atmosphere was electric; the heavy dance beat reverberated off the walls as the strobe lights bounced on the wall.  We had taken a table in the corner and by drink number two I couldn’t handle just sitting there any longer, I needed to get up and move.

I stood up and grabbed Mike’s hand pulling him towards the floor “Come on hubby, let’s dance!”


One thing was certain, Mike could dance and I was loving every moment of being held in his strong arms as he moved with me to the music.  After a few songs I turned around so that I was facing him, as the night went on it had become harder and harder for me to ignore my attraction but maybe he could just humor me for the weekend, then he could do whatever he wanted when we were home.  As we danced to the music I let myself get lost in those striking green eyes of his, my stomach filled with butterflies when he smiled at me.  I dipped my head as I blushed.

Blushing? Really Brenna, it’s just Mike.

But it wasn’t just Mike it was the fact that it was Mike.  I looked back at his face and he just had this endearing look on his face, those eyes held so much emotion and they were looking at me and what felt like, only me.  I had my arms wrapped around his neck and I used the opportunity to take his face in my hands, his eyes never wavered but I could tell he was surprised.  His eyes just captivated me and took me over, I pulled his mouth to mine kissed him gently, he allowed me to control the kiss at my pace.  I nibbled on his bottom lip and sucked it in my mouth, his fingers dug into my back as he held me tighter pushing himself against me.  I let him deepen the kiss now; my body craved his touch too much to not do so.

As our mouths danced with one another I felt his hands move down and cup my ass, teasing me like no other, I tugged at his hair as my breath quickened and he made a small moan in the back of his throat.  I pulled away, just enough to look in his eyes, lustful and full of excitement. 

“Will you take me back to the hotel?” I asked him.

“Yeah, yeah of course.” He said turning away from me, but held on to my hand as he led me through the throng of people. “Let’s go tell them we’re leaving.”

With a little too much force than necessary he pulled me behind him as he got us a taxi, he put me inside before jumping in and slamming the car door.  On the ride back to the hotel I tried grabbing his hand but he jerked it away at the last minute.  The rest of the car ride was silent, I sat there stewing about what had suddenly crawled up his ass and died when Mike ushering me out of the car brought me back to reality.  But the silence continued, as we walked through the casino, while in the elevator.  It was halfway down the hallway when I couldn’t take it any longer.

“What is your goddamn problem?!” I yelled jerking my hand out of his grasp.

“You asked me to take you home.  I took you home.  Exactly what you wanted, so don’t give me this shit.”

“What?” I asked a bit startled by his anger.

“You wanted to go back to the hotel, so I took you to your room.  Just as you wanted.”  He said more calmly but he was still mad, that was clear.

“Clearly you didn’t know what I wanted because if you did, you wouldn’t be taking me to my room.”

“Brenna. . .” He said in that warning tone of his.  He closed his eyes while he pinched his brow.  “Don’t play with me about this.”

I stepped closer and slid my hands under his jacket grabbing his sides lightly.  “Mike, who said I was playing?”  I asked raising my brow, trying to sound sensual and sexy.

His lips crashed against mine, this kiss was so entirely different than any of his I had experienced before.  This kiss was more aggressive more purposeful, he attacked my mouth and I let him, experiencing this soul-crushing passion for the first time.  His tongue massaged mine as he backed me into a wall, or I guess a door as I felt Mike fumbling for the key trying to open the door.  Effortlessly he led me through the room to the large king-sized bed in the middle of the room.

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