Chapter 2

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know it is really bad but what ever. I'm going to keep writing any ways.
I woke up this morning bright and early. Well not really, it was 9:00 but whatever. I hopped out of bed excited to come to realization that it was Saturday. I went to the bathroom to wash my face. After that I went to brush my teeth and hair. I threw on your average light blue t-shirt and jean shorts. Then I put on my red converse, and went down stairs to grab a pop tart.

When I got down there I saw my sister on the couch and my two younger brothers eating cereal. I walked out the door waving, but only Finn waved back. This sounds terrible but Finn was my favorite. He and Sawyer were fraternal twins. Finn was the only in the family who looked like me. I looked just like my dad. Sawyer and my older sister Avery looked just like my mom, and that made me think that's why she treats them better. Anyways, Finn was really the only one who seemed to care if I was there or not.

I was really excited to spend my day with the gang. But mostly I was looking forward to seeing Ponyboy. He was so adorable and his smile was like a sunset. His hair was like a greasy stairway to heaven, and his eyes were like a enormous green meadow. Oh man, I gotta stop losing my train of thought. I stopped and realized I was walking in the middle of the road.

I got back onto the sidewalk, and suddenly a yellow mustang started coming up behind me. I knew what that meant so I began walking faster. I put my sweatshirt hood over my head, and kinda of ducked down hoping that they wouldn't notice me. To my luck they definitely did. "Hey baby, what's shaking." One of the socs said. I recognized that voice and realized it was Bob. "What is a fine lady like you doing on this side of town." he said. I didn't answer. I started to hear the car engine speed up, I started running as fast as I could. Pony's house was just around the corner. I just need to get there. 'Run Sam run as fast as you can, you can do it' I thought to myself.

Bob jumped out of the yellow mustang, and boy he was fast. I didn't want to doubt myself, but I knew he would catch me. He grabbed my arm and said, "Hey baby, come on. You know you want to." I spit at him. Then I felt his cold hand slap my face. "You shouldn't of said that, you know I don't like it when your difficult." he said with an angry but devious look on his cold hard face.

His friends had then come over and dragged me into the nearest alley. I was so scared, I couldn't even imagine what he would do next. His two friends had each held down and arm and a leg. I started to struggle and tried to wiggle around. I tried so hard to break free. his other friend looked at me and said, "You think your real tough grease, don't you?"

The next think I felt was a cold blade held against the side of my throat. "Hey grease, you talk and your dead got that!?" said Bob. I gave him and angry glare, then screamed which was probably a bad idea. "PONY, SODA, DARRY, TWOBIT! CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME!" That was a bad idea. I felt the switchblade go deep into to my neck. I could feel my self getting light-headed. I knew I was losing a lot of blood. And that was when I blacked out.

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