Chapter 14

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Sam's POV~
When we got back to Pony's Johnny was there and Finn was really happy.

"Hey Finn, I didn't know you were coming." Johnny said looking at him and smiling. Finn waved.

"Who is this?" Twobit and Steve said looking confused. "This is Finn, my brother. I told you guys about him like five times already." I said laughing.

"Oh, well the kids cute and all but I think he's a little bit to young to be in the gang." Sodapop said. "Soda! He's my younger brother and I brought him by to see Johnny now that he knows they are brothers." I said laughing.

"Hey who's the kid Sam. You know how I feel about kids." Dallas said when he walked though the door. He was glaring in the direction of where Finn and Johnny were talking on the couch.

"You people really are against kids aren't you. Sam your friends are weird." Finn said looking up at me. "Sam your kid brother can stay as long as he wants. Why don't you stay for dinner Finn." Darry said trying to be the only polite one. "Thanks." he said.

"Hey do any of you play football, cuz I brought one. Do you wanna play with me Johnny?" Finn asked. "Oh yea sure we will go to the lot and play if it's okay with Sam." Johnny replied.

"Yea okay, I changed my mind. I like this kid." Dally said grabbing his coat. "If Dally's going I'm going." Twobit said. "Me too" Soda said. "Me three." said Steve. "Okay well I have to make dinner, but be careful and take your switch blades. Pony you going?" Darry said.

"No I think I'll stay here with Sam." Pony said smiling an kissing my cheek.

"Hey if you guys let him get hurt ill skin all of you! Got that?" I said giving the eye to all of them. Mostly Johnny. They all nodded and left.

Darry went back into the kitchen and it was just me and Pony. We both plopped down on the couch, and the he flipped on the TV. I started to get into the show when he started playing with my hair. "Pony" I said and giggled. Then he kissed my neck, then my cheek, then my nose, then my lips. I tried to pretend I didn't care, but that was not working very well. So I finally kissed him back. We started getting into it. He was cupping my cheek and I had my hands in his hair. Then I heard the screen door slam.

"What in tarnations is going on here. I spy two love birds." Sof said making fun of us. Pony got off of me and his face turned bright red like a tomato. "Hey um Devyn is working late tonight so I guess I'm hear for dinner." Sof said like she owned the place. "Anyways where is My Dallas Winston. He said he would be here." she said looking concerned.

"Looks like we aren't the only love birds around so ha." Pony said. I blushed. Aww he called is love birds.

*Later after dinner*
Darry's POV~
Hey can I use your phone or what?" Sof asked rudely. I don't know how Sam was friends with someone so different from her.

"Yea hi Devyn can you come pick me up. I don't feel like walking all the way home." Sof said into the phone. Devyn must be her older brother. I heard her parents weren't around much.

When she put the phone down I asked her something. "How old is Devyn." She turned to me and said "21" and walked away.

*A half an hour later*
I heard a knock on the door. That must have been Devyn. I guess I was supposed to get the door because no one else got up.

"Hi I'm Devyn. I'm here to pick Sam up." a young lady said.

"Uh-um r-r-right in there" I said. I could barely get my words out.


Lucky for me she was only a year older than me. "Oh um." I stopped her by her waist, "I'm Darrel, Pony's older brother." I said sticking my hand out.
"Nice to meet you." she said and blushed with a smile that could describe life itself. This was one hot chick and I was gonna get her, I thought to myself as she walked into my living room to get Sof.

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