Chapter 13

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Sam's POV~
After me and Johnny cleared everything up we knew we needed to tell everyone.

First we told the whole gang. Well, of course Ponyboy already knew. He thought it was kind of cool that his girlfriend and best friend were siblings.

When it came time to tell my family things got weird. My mom got really angry and still isn't taking it well. Something tells me that she knew my dad had an affair with Linda, but it was a complete surprise that he had a kid with her. My sister took it okay I guess. I mean that's what Avery expected, she knew there was something she was missing all along. But Sawyer and Finn took it great. They thought it was awesome to have an older brother like Johnny. Finn didn't get to see Johnny as much as I did so I decided that I should try and ask Ponyboy if it was okay for Finn to come and see Johnny often at his house. I knew Avery and Sawyer didn't really care to see him.

"Hey Pony?" I said as I was sitting on his lap watching TV. "What's up?" he said.

"So, I was wondering since I get to see Johnny all the time, Finn doesn't. Sawyer and Avery don't care to see him at all, or to even talk to me for that matter. But, I was wondering if I could bring Finn by sometime to see Johnny more often?" I said pleading.
"I totally get if you don't want my 8 year old kid brother around the gang, I just wanted to know becau..." I was stopped by his lips against mine. I was his polite way of telling me to stop taking.

After he finished kissing me he said, "I think that's a great idea. Darry won't mind, you can even bring him over now cause Johnny's on his way over right now." Yay, I was so happy that Finn was going to be happy. "Do you wanna come with me to go get him?" I asked Pony.

"Yeah come on." he said picking me up and putting me down on the floor.

As we walked out the door I warned him. "Okay but here is the deal at my house. One, Avery won't talk to you. She will probably ignore you so don't bother saying hi. Two, ignore my mom'a awful attitude, she is always like that especially after work. Three, you don't even need to bother saying hi to Sawyer because he will just be in his room anyways. Finn really is the only friendly one." I said spilling the details.

"Wow I can't wait to meet them all." he said sarcastically. I laughed at him and gave him a little towards the edge of the sidewalk. He then put his arm around me.

To tell you the truth I couldn't wait to get Finn out of that house. My mother would always just run her mouth at him and me, but usually I wasn't there. I would always remind him to ignore all the cruel things she says. I hope you can now see why Finn was my favorite. I think the gang would like him. He was cute and pretty athletic. The only thing wrong was that he talked a little too much. But, I can't blame him because I talk too much also.

"We are here." I said to Pony as we got to the door. I opened it up to my mother screaming about some incident at work. "Hey Finn come here." I said to him. "This is Ponyboy my boyfriend. Me and him are going to take you to his house to see Johnny okay?" I said to him. "Okay let me put on my shoes." he said.

Pony laughed. "What?" I said with a laugh. "Nothing, he just looks like a miniature Johnny. It's pretty funny if you ask me." he said and I laughed again.

"Who the heck is that Sam?" my mom asked. "This is my boyfriend Pony, mom. We are taking Finn to his house to see Johnny." I said with an attitude cause I was sick of her rudeness. "Whatever. That kid is ridiculous. He thinks he can be part of the family. His stupid..." I cut her off by closing the door an we walked off.

"So your name is Ponyboy?" Finn asked and Pony laughed at him and nodded his head. "So are you going to change into a Pony at midnight?" Finn said. "Finn! Don't be rude." I said giving him a look. "I hope I don't." Pony said laughing more.

"Do you love my sister?" he said. I put my face into my hand. Oh man, this was going to be a long walk I thought.
Hope you guys liked this chapter. I know it was short and pretty bad but I promise that it will get better. I just ws wanted you guys to learn a little more about Finn an the rest of Sam's family. Make sure to comment and give me a star. Thx:*

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