Chapter 10

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Sam's POV~
Me and Pony had just come out of the movie theater. Yes we just saw another movie together, don't judge. We were going to go back to his house when I said something.

"Hey Pony do you think we can pick up Sof on the way to see if she wants to come back to the house with us." I said.

"Yea sure baby, I don't see why not." he said. "I really think her and Dal make a good match. She won't admit she has a soft spot for him, but I can tell she likes him." I said.

"I know, I asked Dally what he thought of her and he was like 'yea, I guess she's nice', but you can totally tell he likes her when they are together." Pony said.

"He is just afraid to admit it. He likes her differently, and doesn't treat her like one of his girls he sleeps with." I said in annoyance. "Both of them just need to come to reality and realize that they are perfect match." I said again.

"Do you think we are a perfect match?" Pony said smirking. "Ponyboy I can't believe you just asked me that, of course we are a perfect match." I said and stopped with my hand on my hip. Then all of the sudden he picked me up and threw my over his shoulder. "What are you doing." I said confused. I didn't really mind him holding me though.

"I didn't want to wait till we got home." he said. "What are you even..." I was cut off by his lips against mine. I laughed a little and started kissing him back. His lips were so soft, it was amazing. His hands were on my hips as I was pushed against the brick wall. Are lips moved and sync. Then after about 25 seconds we both pulled out of the kiss.

"Are we ready to go now?" I said giggling. "Yea I think so" he said and kissed my nose. Then he bent his knees and bent over. I knew what this meant. I hopped on his back and I knew he was going to give me a piggy back ride the whole way to Sof's house. I had such a good boyfriend I thought.

On our way there he asked a random question. "Hey Sam I know this is out of the blue, but why do you never talk about your dad. I mean I hear you talk about your mom, Avery, Finn, Sawyer, but I never have heard you say anything about your dad."

"That's because he ran out on us and my mom 4 years ago." I said. He put me down, "Oh Sam I'm so sorry I had no idea..."

"No that's okay, I don't mind talking about him that much. I mean one day your parents just start fighting and he leaves. It's a simple as that." I said trying to act like I didn't care that much.

Most of the time I don't care. I've learned to just get over, and ignore it. I knew he wasn't coming back, and I just had to except that. He really was a great dad before he left though, and inside there was always a small piece of me that missed him. My sister Avery took it pretty hard, and my brothers were just too young to understand.

"Well do you know where he even went?" Pony asked concerned why I seemed so calm. "Nope." I replied. "Well aren't you curious, I mean don't you wanna know where he went. If he lives with anyone?"

"Well I mean he could be with that women Linda. When my parents were fighting I heard her name come up often. But that's all I know, and now that you brought it up I guess I am kind of curious." I said as we approached the door to Sof's house.

" We should try and find him. Sam, I could help you find him!" Pony said excitedly. He was a little too adventurous sometimes.

"Help her find what?" Sof said when the door opened. Pony looked at me, "Can I tell her?" he said asking for approval. "Yea go head, she already knows everything anyways." I said.

"Okay Sof, I wanna help Sam find her dad." he said to her. "Oh well if we're going to be adventurous then I want in!" Sof said.

"I don't know guys, I don't want to get my hopes up to soon. I mean sure I wanna find him, but do know how many Robert Freeman's there are?" I said. I was nervous about taking this on, and I wasn't sure my sister or mom would approve. "Please Sam come on, it will be good for you." Sof said. As we were walking down the street I started kicking a rock and looking down hoping that they wouldn't beg me with their puppy dog eyes.

Of course I had to look up. There they were. "Okay fine" I said giving in. "Yes!" Ponyboy said picking me up and spinning me around. This would be hard, but Robert Freeman I will find you.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment what you thought of it and make sure to give me a star. Thanks;)

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