Chapter 3

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I don't if this is good or not, so if you read this, don't be afraid to give me feed back. even if it is negative, i'd like to know;) .
All I heard was voices. I couldn't quite make out who it was. I didn't even remember what happened and had no idea where I was. I started to make out a voice that was my mother's. "Is she going to be alright? Who did this to her, and how much is the hospital bill going to be because I really don't have the money for that." she said. "Ms. Freeman we can't guarantee anything right now. I guess we just need her to wake up, which might take a while. There was a lot of blood loss." I heard another voice say. He sounded like a doctor, and that's when it all came back to me.

I had been jumped by Bob the soc, and his two other soc friends. I remembered them cutting my neck, and holding me down.

"Guys I think she's waking up." said a familiar voice. I opened my eyes to see that the voice belonged to Soda, and around him was the rest of the gang.

I looked around, then said "Hey guys what are you doing here?" Steve looked at me and said, "Don't ya remember kid? Ponyboy found you in the alley, and then we came and brought you to hospital." He looked confused.

Dally looked at him and gave Steve the 'are-you-stupid' glare and said "Obviously she doesn't remember dumbass, she blacked out." Steve sometimes wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. "I don't remember any of that, and did one of you call my mom or something. You know she is going to give me crap about having to pay the medical bills for this. I turned my head a little then, "ouch" I said.

"Oh yea, you might not wanna move your head too much, they had to stitch you up cause your cut was so deep." Soda said. "Great," I said, "now I'm going to have a big 'ol scar on my neck". Pony spoke for the fist time and said "Don't worry Sam, I won't be that big, and the doc will give you some pain killers for that. Then it won't hurt so bad after a while."

"I hope so because right now it really kills." I said.

Ponyboy laughed a little. I looked at him and noticed how perfect his teeth really were. They were perfectly white and aligned straighter than a, well a line. "Pony?" I asked. "Yea?" He said. I looked up at him and said "Thanks for saving me." He looked down at his shoes, "Well I wasn't going to let you die." He blushed a little. "I know but seriously thanks for what you did. I really appreciate it." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I blushed, but scratched my cheek so he wouldn't see.

"You guys don't have to stay here all night. My mom is here, and Johnny I know how much you hate hospitals. Also does anyone know what time it is?" Johnny looked up at the clock over my head. "It is quarter of two, you were out for 3 hours." I felt myself feel a little shocked. Those socs must have really beat me good. I moved a little and could feel the bruises begin to form on my arms and legs. 'Great' I thought, 'A huge scar and a bunch of bruises, I really got quite the surprise today.

The doctor came in and that was the boys cue to leave so he could talk to me and my mom. All 7 of them waved and I waved back. Soda patted my head and then they all left. My mom entered looking flustered.

"Okay, Samantha. Looks like you'll be okay after all. You might need to take it easy to let your body heal. You lost a lot if blood so you might feel a little week and stuff. Also here are some pain pills for your scar." he said handing me the bottle.

"Great thanks. So I can go home now right?" I asked eager to get out the place. "Yes you can." He replied and left the room.

My mom looked at me disappointed and said "Young lady do you know how much this is going to cost me?" I replied back, "I have no idea."

"You really are jeopardizing this families money. Now we aren't going to have cable because of you. Why can't you just think about me for once. I work so hard for you kids..." Her voice trailed off. Here we go again I thought. This is going to be a while I thought.
Comment what you think. Hopefully I'll get some feedback and advice:)

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