Chapter 5

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys, I noticed some people reading my story, so thanks for that. Also make sure to give me a vote, or post a comment.
*Later that night*

Darry had just walked through the door looking tired. It must have been are hard day at work. "Hey Sam, how's your neck feeling." he said.

"Um well right now I'm on pain killers from the doctor so it doesn't hurt too bad." I responded back. I was telling the truth, those pain killers were great. I couldn't feel a thing. "That's good." he said, and then walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, I'm making dinner. Steve try not to eat all the chocolate cake this time." Darry said. "Hey Darry, you know I try, but Steve can't resist a sweet Curtis made chocolate cake." Steve said referring to himself in third person. "Hey Darry?" I yelled into the kitchen. "Can I spend the night here and take the couch or something because my mom is not in the best of moods, and I really don't feel like dealing with her crap tonight." "Yea I guess so, it's fine with me." he said.

"Okay thanks." I said back to him. "Hey since Dal doesn't wanna go out tonight, do you guys wanna play a game." Twobit said. "Not if it is truth or dare, we all know how that is when your the only girl in the game." I said.

"Well, we are playing truth or dare. So get your butt over here and play with us." "Absolutely not." I said very sure how the game was going to be. "Guys come on we are playing truth or dare, but Sam isn't, cuz she's chickening out." Soda said. I playfully shoved him and then said, "Fine I'll play." I crossed my arms. What did I just get myself into.

"Okay, since Sam is a chicken, Sam truth or dare?" Steve said. I sighed "Truth." I said, knowing that I was going to have to play it safely. "Okay, if you had to date one boy in this room who would you choose." Steve said. Oh boy what was I going to say.

"Ponyboy", I responded without really thinking at all. Pony blushed real hard and tried to hide it from me. "Ooo, someone has a crush on ol' Ponyboy, Doesn't she?" I blushed and said "No I just thought that we are the closest in age. I was thinking about who would be more age appropriate."

"Yea sure, okay everyone let's believe that." Dally said smiling.

"Okay, let's move on now." I said and could feel my cheeks heating up. We kept playing the game and I could feel Pony's turn getting closer. "Okay Ponyboy truth it dare?" Dally said.

Please don't pick dare, please don't pick dare! "Um Dare" I heard Pony say. Okay come on Pony are you that stupid.

"I dare you to take Sam in the bedroom and kiss her." Dal said. "Oh come on Dal are you serious." Ponyboy said. "No, I'm kidding. Yes of course I'm serious dummy!" he said sarcastically.

"Alright fine, but I will get you back for this Winston." he said. He took my arm pulled me up and said "Come on." He took me into his bedroom and shut the door then said, "We don't have to do this if you don't want." "No that's alright, let's just get this over with. This is too weird." A hurt look came across his face for a second. Oh my god, did Ponyboy actually like me. This night really was surprising me.

"Okay" Pony said. He leaned in a little and so did I. Finally our lips met. Oh my gosh, I actually felt fireworks go off inside of me. By the way, Pony was a good kisser. He cupped the side of my face. I didn't want it to end but sadly it did. After a five second kiss, we both pulled away.

Ponyboy looked at me after, and I felt myself blush. "Sam, I have to tell you something..." he said and his voice sounded strange and shaky. "Yea, what is it?" I asked. Oh god, what was he going to say now. "I-I, I really, I'm really..." his voice then got cut off.

"Hurry up love birds, if you haven't forgotten, we have a game to play." Twobit said. We both got up and went back into the living room. What was he going to tell me? I kept thinking about it all night.
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