Chapter 8

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay so if you've notice, or clicked on any of the pictures above each chapter I put a new song that I love for ever chapter. I thought it was a good idea so enjoy.
Pony's POV~
As Bob hopped out of the car I pushed Sam behind me. I was not going to let him hurt her after yesterday. Jumped two days in a row was just plain bad. I couldn't think of any other word to describe it. Then Sam said, "He was the one from yesterday." This made me angrier than before and way more tense than before.

"Oh how cute, little grease monkey is going to protect his girlfriend. We'll see about that!" he said. To say the least I was extremely scared, and I knew that I wasn't going to be able protect Sam against three other socs. Bob's two friends got out of the car and I knew right then that they were going to beat the crap out me. Then I remembered I had my switchblade on me. THANK YOU GOD!

I quickly grabbed it and flipped it open. "Just back off and no one will get hurt." I said uneasily. Fear came onto Bob's face when he saw my blade.

"Fine guys, let's go. We'll be back sooner than you know it grease." he said as he hopped back into his car. Then they sped off, and I could tell Bob was angry.

"Thank god Pony, you saved us." Sam said hugging me tightly. "I would never let them hurt you, you know that right." She nodded and put her face into my chest and I held her there for a minute.

When we pulled apart I decided to tell her how I really felt right then and there.

"I love you." I said to her. "I love you too Ponyboy." she said and smiled. Then we both leaned in and kissed each other. This kiss was the most amazing thing, and I never wanted to her lips to leave mine ever again. I put my hands on her hips and she put her long skinny arms around my neck. I meant what I said, I really did love her. We pulled apart and she was smiling ear to ear. This was our longest kiss yet. I slung my arms around her waist and we kept walking towards home.

Sam's POV~
I'm so happy, Ponyboy and I just said 'the' words. I really did mean it, I was in love with Ponyboy.

When we got home we explained to the gang what happened. "But then Pony pulled out his switchblade and saved us." I said smiling. "I guess you could say that, I mean really it was the blade that saved us." he said trying to sound cool. It was funny because Pony was pretty tough, and I was the farthest thing from tough. I was basically afraid of the dark. Sometimes I wondered why Ponyboy liked me.

"I'm just glad you guys are safe." Darry said in his deep voice. "Yea are you sure you guys are okay?" Soda said hugging me. "Yea we're fine I guess." Pony said.

Soda was so sweet sometimes. But he really was like my older brother I never had and my best friend combined. Which reminds me that I never told you about my girl best friend.

Her name was Sofia, but her nick name was Sof. She is 17 and a complete badass. God, why am I always friends with people so much more different than me. We had been friends since the fourth grade. Her parents were abusive so she lived with her sister Devyn (pronounced Devin, but spelt different) who was 21. As soon as Devyn turned 18, she became Sam's legal guardian. Although it seemed like she wasn't a guardian at all because of all the trouble Sof got into, and how much Devyn worked. Sof was basically the baddest greaser girl in town. Now that I think about it, her and Dal would make a great match. That's when I got the idea to introduce her to the gang. I had a feeling they would like her.

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