Chapter 16

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I'm surprised people actually like this, haha. Also make sure to listen to the song above, it's literally the best.
Sam's POV~
I woke up to the feeling or Pony's arms around me. I had spent the night at his house, and we were on the couch wrapped in my favorite light blue blanket. He must have snuck back into the living room after Darry went to bed. Darry would totally kill us if he knew we slept together. I know, I just said 'slept together', but you know what I mean.

Anyways today was Monday. I know it sounds crazy, but I liked school. Especially when I was in the classes Ponyboy was in. Also I forgot to mention it was June 1, my birthday. I was definitely not going to tell anyone, because I hated when people made a big fuss over my birthday. That's why I have never told Pony my birthday. The only one who knew was Sof, and I hoped to god she didn't remember.

"Hey" Pony whispered into my ear. "I don't know if you forgot, but we have school today." he said.

"I know, i know. I was going to get up but I'm so comfy right here." I said. He kissed my nose. "Me too." he said.

"5 more minutes?" I said.

"We really should get..." Pony said but I interrupted him. "Pleeaaasssse" I said.

"Fine." he said smiling. "Yes!" I said and he laughed.

*Walking to School*
"So Darry and Devyn's date went really well. Devyn said it was kinda soon, but she kissed him anyways. She said something about it feeling like the right thing to do, whatever that means." Sof said on our way to school.

"That's awesome. If they get married, Darry would be your brother in law." I said to her.

"Yea and if you marry me, Johnny will be my brother in law." Pony said.

"Aww, your so cute." I said. "Your cuter." he said and kissed me.

"Okay enough with the lovey dovey crap, it grosses me out." Sof said with a gross look on her face. Pony and I laughed at her remark.

The Sof said, "Hey Sam isn't it today June 1st?"

"Yea why." I said giving her a glare. "So isn't it your B..." I put my hand over her mouth.

"Isn't it your what?" Ponyboy said curiously. "Nothing important." I said. He shot me a really weird look and cocked one eye brow.

"Wait a second. Is today your birthday? Why didn't you tell me, I feel awful I would have got you something." he said. "Don't tell anyone, I don't like when people make a big fuss over some regular day. People have birthdays all the time." I said.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "Fine, fine. Under one exception."

"What would that be?" I asked.

"You let me but you a present." he said smiling. This made me smile and I laughed a little. "Deal" I said, and he put his arm around me as we walked into school.

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